Boston Public Library PURCHASED FROM THE James Lyman Whitney MEMORIAL FUND ESTABLISHED BY James Lyman Whitney BIBLIOGRAPHER AND SOMETIME LIBRARIAN BOOKS lately PubliJFd^ and Sold by J. Pemberton. 1. npHE Hiftory of the moll Noble Order of X the Garter, and the leveral Orders of Knighthood extant in Europe. Containing, I. The Antiquity of the Town, Caftle, Chapel, and Col- lege of Winifor-^ with their leveral Officers -.The Foundation of the Order by King Edward IIL The Statutes and Annals at large, as they have been alter d and amended. II. The Habits^ Enfigns, and Officers of the Order : The Ceremonies of Eleftion, Inveftlture, and Inftalment of Knights 5 the Manner of their Feafts ^ and the Duties and Fees payable upon thole Occafions, Some Ac- count of the Founders. With an exaft Lift of all that have been inftalfd Bnce the Inftitution 5 and their leveral Coats of Arms emblazon'd* Written at the Command of King Charles II. by Eiias Afhmole^ Efq^ Wind for-Her old. Now com* par'd with the Auchor's CorreftionS) in his Libra- ry at Oxford^ faithfully digefted, and continu'd down to the prefent Time. The whole illuftrated with proper Sculptures. Small Paper 7 s. 6d* Large 12 s. II. The Secret Hiftory oi' Europe, in Four Parts compleat : Confifting of the moft private Affairs tranfefted by all Parties for Fifty Years paft. Ex- traSled from the moft authencick Memoirs, as well Printed as Manufcript. With a large Appendix, containing Original Papers, Speeches, and the Proceedings upon the Earl of Danbys Impeach- ment. An Account of the Earl of Qarendon's Impeachment^ with the Relblutions in Parlia- ment againft him after his Flight. Sir John Fen- wiclCs Attainder, i^c. Price i^s* THE GRAMMAR HERALDRY: O R, Gentleman^s Vade Mecum^ Sec. CONTAINING I. Rules of Blazoning, Cautions and Obfervations, II. Praaical Dire£tions for Marshalling; with Difcourfes on the feveral Parts ( or Ornaments ) of an Atchievement. III. A Large Colleflion of Akms, by way of Ex- ample, Alphabetically digefted. J With TWO APPENDICES^ And a Li s T of the Subfcribers; to moft of them their Arms andTitles.The whole adorn'd with proper Cuts. By SJMVEL KENT. "The Second Edition. LONDON: Printed for J. P e mb eR T o N , at the Buck and Sun againft St. Dunfians Church in fleetftreet, MDCC XVIII. /9cc,._9^-3Z. H H T itrmi, T O The moft Illuftrious AND High - Born Prince/s, Princefs ANNE; Eldeft Daughter to His Royal Highnefs GEORGE, Prince of Wales, &c. THE QRAMMARcff HER JLDRr ismoffi •*■ humbly Dedicated, by Her Higlmefs's Faithful and ObedienP, Semantj S. Kent: THE PREFACE r Reader* GW I L LI M, that Learned and Judwlous tjtn- tleman^ having by his Difpky, freed Heraldiy from the Charge of Confufion sunder which it la- bour d^ thereby tngagd the Gentry of this JSfation to the Study of it J a^ a neceffary and ufefid Art: But natwith- jianaing his Performance^ excellent in its kind^notwithfiand- ing the many Books fines written^ by others^ the Glory of Heraldry to been ever fince rather decaying than encreaf- ■^^Si T^^ Reafons of which I conceive to he^ Want of fuitabie Methods to teach^ -of Enccurdgemem to praBice^ or due Deference paid to fuch .as profefs the Mrt, The two lajk are out of my FrovincCj hut 1 endeavour in this to fzirnifl) thee with Methods of learmng^ in Hopes to hring thee into a Habit of loving it. Tet I would not he mifiaken j Let no one think Ifet zap this J as A Standard to try ail Ccntrcverfies of Arms by j for I confefs with all Humility j that 1 am (like others} fuhjeB to Errors^ and for a Work ofthk Nature^ far zm- Jit^ My defign thenj isj (in Order to take away yet far- thery the principal OhjeSiion againfi Heraldry) to prefent thee with fome General Rules j in which 'tis impofjlhle t& ■mifiake ^ fome Particular ones^ confi't m^d by Authentick Writjer^^ azid Ccmmm Frai}i€e'^ with fuch E^Kamples as arc vi The Preface. are fcatterd up and down in Boohj &c» If I have mif- taken (as I believe I fo?netimes have') I defire thofe whofe j^rms they are fet for^ as well as thofe who have granted er recorded them^ to excufe that Error -y hecaufe I have mojily committed them by too clofe following the Authors I tranfcrib'd from., in whofe time Bearings might poffibly differ from what they are now, 1 fay then^ that fuch as woud without Fear of Challenging^ be affur d of their true Arms J ought to feek them in^that Place which the Law has made their Repojitoryj and not here-, where they are incerted rather as Examples of Bearing and Blaz^on^ than real J authoritative Armsj tho indeed they are fuck ^ I likewlfe defire the Reader to obferve^ that the Me- thod I proposed J of Printing the Arms of all the Peers j C^'c» would have left but little Room for the Arms of Gentlemen^ and then 'twere impoffible to give you all the Forms of Bearing '^ and on the other Fland^ to have made the Book much larger ^ tho fome might like it-, woud cer- tainly have been dlfpleafing to the Majority : So that I am not to be refl-eEled on-, but rather thanked^ for not jHcking to my own Propofalsj feeing what I have done is more ad- vantagious to the Buyer than that could have been : And this is the reafm of that Deficiency there feems to be in the Alphabet of Examples., which really is not a Deficien- cy ^^ bccaufe I never pretended to infert all the Names in Engfand-, which could not be contain d in fix times the Bulk. On this Account I forbear making Excufes for that not above 1200 Arms are found here in all'-, they being (as I have obfervd) enough for aG RA MMA R-, the Multi- plicity of Coats which foms People perhaps expetled., would better fuit the Title of D ICTIONART. However ^ in this Cafe, my little Grammar of 6s. Is on a Level with the Voluminous Gwillim of 35/. their falaclom Propo- fals containing a Promlfe of more Additions than the whole Book will contain-, as I can eafily make out. I have added fever al Arms without Cuts-, fome ufeful Obfervations and Catalogues^ more than propos'dj which The Preface. vii 1 doubt not hut thou wilt he well fatisfyd with^ efpecial- ly hecaufe they take up no Room hut that of white Paper, As for the Subfcribers Arms^ and what is [aid of'emj I am not to anfwer for any thing therein^ having printed no more than what they authorized me to do^ and is what they will anfwer. There are fome Faults efcap'd the Prefs^ which I have difcernd and taken Notice of elfewhere ', there are more (perhaps) which are Faults-, hut not to my Knowledge: For the firfi Sort., as they are fmaH and fewj I hope to he forgiven^ of the other I defire to be informed. I am certain (with the Candid) I have fufflciently in- terceded for a favourable Acceptance of my firfi confidera- hle Attempt^ which they will be farther indeed to^ when they confider that Horace himfelf did no Wonders^ 'till he was twelve Tears older than I am. But however^ to fuch as cannot relijh this coarfe Difhj I promife to fiudy their Palates better ^ 'ere I write again. But I had alm.oft forgot to beg Pardon on the Cutter s Behalf .y which he has defird me to do^ when any Thing appears worfe than was expeBed ', fome Charges by Reafon of their fmallnefs he has made Black., which fijould have been left White., fome again., on the fame Account., are not fo well ffjap'd as they mJght elfe have been , and as for other Mifiakes of his., they are correBed by the Blaz.on. He owns it to be his Faulty that you have been fo long dif appointed in the Publication., and thereby clears Your much Obliged Humble Servant, &c. Juii Jl GTAL G RATirv D E v O^ a Lmer mfcrib^cf •*^ to the Rt. Hon* i^^krf Walpohy Efq^ Firft Lord of the Treafurxy upoii a General Report that Mr. John Dumon f Author of Neck or Nothing) will fpeedily be rewarded with a Confiderahie Place or Venfiouj for that great and fignal Services he did the Nation in dete<^- ihg the fecret Enemies to King George and his Illufirlons: Houfe^ whilft the late Miniftry were, in Power* Writ- ten by that Perfon of Hon oar who ient to Mr. Dun-- ton thofe early Dilcoveries of Oxfor£s. and Bolinghroke*s Treafon, that no Man at that Time durft publifti but bimfelf, and which he therefore call'd Neck or Nothings Sold by S. Popping in Pater-Nofter-Row^ and moft Book- feUcrs in Great-Rritain and Ireland^ Price jd* There will" ipeedily be Publifh'd. C3 KTlsIS •, Or,, a Critical Exercife on the Hehrev^ T ext, the Latin and Englijh Verfions of the Firft Chapter o( Genefis^ with Marginal Notes, Paraphra- fes, Annotations, &c, as Occafion requires, gather 'd from the beft Authors, and deliver'd m their own pro- per Language, by S, Kent^ Printer. Dedicated in Ek- brew to ths moft Reverend Father in God, William Ld. Archbilhop of Canterbury. Sold by Mrs. PembertotTy and Curl in Fleetjireety and Mr. Roberts m Warwick- Lane.. Price 6A> T HE ix: THE GRAMMAR O F HERALDRY. ALtKo' I had defign^d noth-iiig leis than to Iwelf this Treatife into a large Voluinn, yQt the Mul- tiplicity of Coats, that came, importuning for Admittance into fo ufeful a Tra(ft5 have oblig'd me to enlarge it beyond my firft Intentions *, for which Rea- fon I Ihall drop the Account I would elfa have given^ of the Invention J Antiquity and Dignity of Arms^ left it prove too Cumberfonie for the Pocket: Only, in brief we may obferve. That in the very earliefl Ages after the Flood, Nations began to diftinguifh them- felves by Armorial Enfigns or Devices , infomuch that fome fay OJlyris (Grandfon of Noah) was the Inve'nter of 'em, and that his own Device was, Jupiter ^ a Scep- ter Royal in pale, infigned at the Top with an Eye^ 5oL All the flourifhing Kingdoms and States of the Old (or Poetick) World,- that were any thing civil iz'd, had ^ different Portraiii: on their Shields, for Diftinftion^ h the X Tlje GRAMMAR the Athenians-i who were Schollars, bore an Owly tk^j Bird of Pallasj their Goddefs of WiBom •, the Perfiansy who ufed Bows an Arrows, had them for their En- flgns^ the Romans^ an Eagle '^ xkt Egyptians-, an Oxc\ the Phrygians^ a Swine '^ and the Warlike Thraciansy bore Mars the God of Battle. The more Savage Countries (in Imitation of their Neighbours^ took up the Fafhion by Degrees, and fo the Scythians painted a Thunderbolt in their Shields j the Coralif a People oiPontm-i bare tm Wheels, The Heroes, of whom we read in Homer ., ^irgHj and other Poets, had their Shields adorn'd with fome diilinguifhing Figure *, Achillis had on his, the Celefii- Sphere', Amphiarins-, a Dragon^ Capaneus-, the Hydra', Polynicesj a Sphinx', Agamemnon, a Lion; Vlyjfes^ a Dolphin ', Perjem, Medufa's Head, &c. Thefe Inftan- ces are fufficient to fhow the Antiquity of Arms, and in ibme IVleafure, the Dignity and Ufe of them. I haften therefore (in the two following Chapters^ to give fuch plain Dire^lions for Blaz^on and Marfialling, as are adapted to the meanefl, yet worthy to be re- garded by thofe of the higheft Capacity. Chap. I. Of Blas^on. BLAZON, Striaiy taken, fignifies, the Explica^ tion of Arms, in apt and fignificant Terms *, more largely, it is taken for a Difplay of the Vertues of the Bearers of Arms. A certain French Armorift has com- prehended both in a Word, viz. To Blaz^on is to exprefi what the Shapes, Kinds, and Colours of things born in Arms are, together with their apt Significations. This Chapter will contain Nine Sections, whereof the firft is, Seft* L of HE^JLVXY, xi Seft. L Rules of Blaz^oning in GencraL I. T N Blazoning you muft ufe an advifed Deliberati- * on before you enter' thereinto, for having once begun, it argues an inconfiderate Folly to recall what you have faid. 2. The fewer Words you make ule of in blazoning a Coat, the better it is blazoned: Be cautious how- ever, that while you endeavour to be Ihort, you are not myfterious, and that you omit nothing which ought to be mention'd. 3. In Blazon you mult take fpecial Heed to Words, for Arms differently blazoned ceafe to be the fame 9 and tho* one Coat may be blazoned two ways, yet they do then both come to the (ame, the Phrafe only chang'd, as in the Arms of Akelorit of Gloucefierflj, in the following Sheets. 4. You muft not be too full of Conceits in Blazon, nor over forward of Speech. 5. You muft uie no Repetition of Words, in th^ fell lame Coat, vix.. the Names of Metals, Colours or Furrs, the Numbers of Ordinaries or Charges-, but ei^ pecially not of the Words For the Repetition of thefe, is reckon*d an unpardonable Crime. / How to vary your Words, to avoid this Fault, yon may fee among others in the Arms of Cecil E. of Sor lisburyf jiddtfon^ Atkins of Sapenon. 6, In blazoning you muft have Regard to the things that are born in Arms, and to what they may be re- fcmbled, whether Natural or Artificial, and fo com- mend them accordingly. 7, &gin to blazon with the Field, then proceed to the Charge, if any be : Alfo, if there be more Charges b i thaa sU The GRAMMAR than one, you muft evermore name that firft, which is fuppos'H to lie neareft the Fields fee the Arms of Dyxton^ Capt. Aldridge^ VilUers E. of Jerfey^ &c. 8. The Arms of Gentlemen, Knights, and all Pei?- fons not enobled, are to be blazoned by Metals and Colours \ all the Degrees of Nobility have their Arms blazoned by Precious Stones*, Emperors, Kings and Princes, by Planets^ as hereafter will appear more plainly, by Rule and Example. Set^. IL Accidents of Arms, nr Hofe are called Accidents^ which are not Neceffary "*■ Pans^ but fuch as being taken away or chang'd, tht Subftance of the Arms is ftili the fame. They are two, Tinctures and Differences, Paragraph i. Tinclure is the different Hew of Arms, and things born therein ^ and is common to the Diifei'- ences, as well as to the Arms themfelves. Timfiure is either of Colour or Furr. Diatriba i. We have nothing to do here with the N'Uural Colour of Things f tho' that alfo muft be care- fully regarded^ but our Bufmefs is to make mention of fach Colours only as are us'd in Heraldry ^ and they are Nine, viz,. Two Simple, as White and Mack. Seven Mixt, as iB.edy TeUow-y Green^ BleW') Purple^ %twny and Sanguine, Note I. The Two laft fcldom ferve for the Co- lours of Fields, being called Stainand Colours^ and ufed to fignify fome Difgrace, or Blemifh of Honour or Ver- tue, in the Bearer *, as you may read in the 3d Se6li- on of this Chapter, in the 2d. Diat. of the ift. Parag. Note 2. White and Tellow are called Metals-^ repre- fenting Silver and Gold, the reft Colours. Note ^. That Coat is affuredly falfe, wherein there is Metal upon Metal only, or Colour upon Colour on- ly, that is. Gold upon Silver, Silver on Gold, Blew, Red, &^^ ^pon one another ; But this Rule ceafe, if of HE(^JtD%t xiii a Goat be Paly^ Barry-, Quarterly^ Checklej OT Party per Pale J Chevron^ &:c. Note 4. In blazoning the Arms of Gentlemen, &cis called <{ Sahle. Green | . * V^ert, Purple I Purpurea Tawney \ Tenne^ Sanguine j {^Sanguine. O o [Topaz., Pearl, Ruby, Saphire, Diamond, Emerald, Amethyft, Jacynthe, {Sardonix* iS) bX) C • I— I o rsoL Luna, Mars. Jupiter^ Saturn. VenuSo Mercury, < '^ ■£ Dragon S'Head» ^ {^Dragon S'Tail, Diat. 2- OfFurrs-j and they are in Heraldry, White \ j^rmine^ which confifts of Whit^ diftinguirfi'd with Black Spots J Ermynes^ which is Black powder'd wii"h White y Ermmoisj Black powdey'd with Yellow ^ P^- ^z;/, the contrary *, Ermynites^ the fame with Brmyn^^ only it has a Hair of Red on each Side the Black. There are other Sorts of Doublings (or Furrs) dif^ fering from thofe I have mentioned, in Form and Name. I. Ferrey^ which is compounded of Argent and A- zure *, an Example of which is in Dr. Atterhurys^ Mr» 'Aft on s ofGloucefi, and many other Coats. But if your F^errey confift of any other Metal, Goloiir pr Furr, and not fjointlyj of Argent and Azure, you muft fay Ferrey of fuch a Metal and Colour or Furr ^ fee the Arms of Duffeldj Bfiantm and Drake of Gref- (oWi . 2* Poi xiv Tl7e GRAMMAR 2. Poteni-Coweter^Poteftt^ of which fbecauie I do not remember to have feen it in all my Colledions) the I^orm follows. Neither do I find that it is fix'd to any Colours, but that the Blazoner is to nam^ thofe whereof it does at any time confift. 3. p^alre, which (as (bme will have it) confifts of four Colours together, viz.. Argent, Gules, Or and Sa,ble-, but I chufe ^with GwiUam) to make it the fame as Verrey. Parag. 2. Differences'^ Differences tire extraordinary jidditamentSj whereby Bearers of the fame Coat- Armour are difiinguifh'd each from others^ and their nearnefs to the Principal Bearer is demonftrated. \ r Ancient <^ Differences are < or y.Modern. Diat. T. ,For Differences in ancient Times they us*d 3ordures and Imbordiirings of feveral Sorts. The Plain Border firft, which is faid to refemble the Fimbria's the Ifraelites wore on their Garment : And in blazoning niufl be called a Border^ without menti- oning its Plainnefs. The Content of the Border, is fhie fifth Part of the Field. Note. When the Field and Border are both of one Tinfture, you are not then to fay. He heareth a Bor- der j but He heareth fuch a Metaly Colotrr or Furr^ Im- bordurcd, Befides this, there are other Borders, which confift of one Tinrture only, but being composed of the dif- jferent Lines, hereafter mentioned, havfe quite another form* iVom Note. Some Borders confift of more Colours than one ( thefe are moftly compos*d of the ftrait Line ) «ind are r Cmnter-Componedt as in the Exa^iple following. He beareth Azure, a Border Ojmter^ compmed^ Or and Guks.- — — Cotinter- compony confifteth of no more than z Tracts. Oj^che-i which is like the former, but that it coa- fifleth of many Trails. Borders (as the Fields themlelvesj are fubjeft to be charged with things Natural and Artificial'^ as 'with Birds-, and then your Border is laid to be charg'd witli Bnaluron of fuch or fuch Birds, to fuch a Number^ Beafts^ and then it is Enur^y'^ P'egitabtes^ and tli^n 'tis csilVd Terdoy^ Furrsj and then P^r/n^v a Border char- ged with things inanimate, of what kind foeVer, is laid to be Bntoyre, See the firft Appendix. There are feveral other Kinds of Borders, of which in the following Sheets you will (ind Examples. Diat. 2. The Modern Differences, which not only diftinguifh Houles, but the different and fubordinatc Degrees in each, are, the File^ Crefcent^ Mullet^ Mart- let^ Annulet and Fleur de Lis, Of which view the following Scheme, which diftinguifh'd by Figures On the Top and in the Margia, ihoys tt« different Houl- es and Degrees. XVI Ti^e GRAMMAR ^ f 4 The Table of Houfes. 2 3 4 5 6 tt muft be renlember'dj that Sifters have no Differ- ences, for they are always equal. Se£l. III. Bjfentlal Parts of j^rms. THE Parts of Arms are, The Efcocheorij and The Ornaments without the Efcocheon* PARAGRAPH i. An Efcocheon is the Form of a Shield, of what Kind foever, fo call'd of the Latin Word Scutum which fi^nifies the fame thing. It con- gits of ' f<^'^^'i of HEMjlTi^J. xvii Points^ and Abatements. Diatrlha i. FointSj which are Nine,, and denQUTi- iiate the feveral Parts of the Efcocheon ^ the Know- ledge of which fas you will find hereafter) is of ab- fblute Neceiiity; They are as ibllows, " ' 1 The Dexter Chief Precife middle Chiefs Sinifter Chief Honour fFefTe S^Nombril Detter Bafe &aft middle Bafe Sinifter Bafe Diat* 2. An Ahaternent is an accidental Mark, an- nexed to Coai-Armour, denoting fome ungentleman- like, dilhonourablc or difloyal Demeanor, whereby x} and comprehendeth in it the Charge, if there be; any. Note I . There are as many feveral Fields as there are Tinftures. Note 2. When ever a Field confifts^ of one only Me- tal or Colour, it is faid, that in fuch a Coat, fiich a Colour or Metal does predominate. But in fome Coats th.Q Field confifts of many Tinftures. A Charge is whatfoever is contained in the Field, whether it occupy the whole, or only a Paf t thereof. All Charges are Proper or Common. Thofe which are common only to and in this Art, are called Proper or flonourahle Ordinaries. Such as are composed of things Natural or Artificialj are called Common Charges* ' Seel. VL The feveral Kinds of Honourable Ordinaries and their Diminutives,, OOnocirabie Ordinaries are Nine, as f6ilows, I. The Crofs\ which contains the 5th part of the Efcocheon, when uncharg'd, and charg'd, the 3d. See the Arms of Allesbury* % Chief thQ^d. SQQWorkjly. ;. Fale the 3d. See an Example in the Arms otji- reskme^ Dodge, d^c. The Diminutives are, J Pallet. ' An Endorfe. 4. Bend-i^ 4. Ber?dj which contains when charg'd ~th€. 3d Part, uncharg'd the 5th part of the Efcocheon •, and has the foiiowing Diminntiv^s, J. Bendlet, A G artier. There are alfo ^nds Smifiery with proper Diniia^i tions, as, The Bend. A, Scarpe. A BaHune, Note, The Battune is a Mark of Baftardy ^ ancT €?»«• ry Bearer may have it of what Coulour he pleafe, but ©nly the fpurious Sons of Princes, may bear them of Metal or Furr. 5. Fejje^ containing the 3d part of the Efcocheon \ fee the Arms of Ahhehall, 6. Efcocheon the 5th part*, lee HulgrBm\ Coat, 7. Chevron^ containing the 5th, or as others, the 3d part of the Efcocheon *, lee Qixe ia the Arms oi Aveue, Its Diminutiyes are, 4 xxii TTje GRAMMAR ji Chevronel. A Couple-Clofe. There is extant a rare Example of bearing a Che- vron, which I have thought fit to infert, for that Rca- fon. He beareth Or, a Chevron in Chiefs Azure. This Charge (faith Gmllim) was not remov*4 from its proper place, without good reafon •, ncverthelefs, the Bearing it as ufual, had been better. 8. The 8th Ordinary is the Sdtirey which unchar- ged has the 5th, charged, the 3d part of the Eicoche- on*, there is a plain Saltire in the Arms of Afi:on. 9. A Barj containing the 5th part of the Field, of which there are in the Book, numerous Examples ; The Diminutives are, A Clofet. A Barulet. Note I. When you have any of the Ordinaries born plain, you need not mention their Plainnefs, for that is their natural Form. Note 2. All or moft of thefe may be born, ii^veck'dy wgrairdf indcntedj &c. voided^ coupedy cotifed or fur- rnottntedi as in the 8th S«^ion will further appear. Tker^ ofBE^JlD^r. xxtii There are other Ck)mmon Qiarges, which tho* they do not take upon *em the Title of Honourable^ ax's yet of Worthy Bearing, as The Gyron* And thefe you will find born, not on- ly fingle and in Pairs, but by the fix, eight, ten or twelve together. The Canton^ of which you have an Example in the Arms of Baffit ofVleighy Carey o{ London^ and Others. K Quarter 'y {kQEfiantonsCodX. A Pile^ for the Shape and different Bearing of which, both as to Pofition and Number, fee many Examples in the Pages following, particularly the Duite oi New- cafile's* The three following are the fame fectmdum quid (as to their Form) but not fecundum quantum (as to Mag- nitude, and in this Book there are fome tew Exam- ples of *em. Planches. Flafques* Voiders, An Orle^ of which you will find Examples^ as alio of Common Charges born in Orle, or Orlewiie. I jpurpofely forbear to mention the feveral Kinds of Crojfesj becaufe ilich as are now uf?d lA Ajrms, are ve» vy freqwently to be found. xxiv The GRAilMAR '" ' SqS:. VII. Of Lines with their diverfe Ferms', ■ ALL Ordinaries are fappos'd to be made of a ftrait Line ^ therefore when they are compofed oi^ a crooked one, yoii are to tak^ particular Care to men- tion iuch Crookednefs by a proper Appellation. The following Seheme contains fuch Forms of Lines as are ufed in Heraldry, with their proper Names a- gainfl them, viz^> ^ ■ Ingrail'd. \^^Jw^-A.A>%y^w.Aj^ Nebule. SlSlSXyiSl. Crenelle. -^"T-n-TLTLTI^ Indented. NAA/VVWVS "" • bancette. /\fS0Kp^^^ If he IJmss Indented md Dancette do not differ in tonr^ :but Qjiantity ^ the laft beiiig much larger and deeper than the pther. Seflf "^III. Some few Coats refsrrd to^ for the ^i-verfe bearing of fever at Ordinaries, t. 'T'HE Crofs is born Plain^ in the Arms" of Al- ■*• lesbury, HuITey, Shelton, Wall, Smith, of Suffolk, Rain'sford, &c. Voided^ Atkinfort of Stowel. Koided rwavy-) Duckensfteld. Couped voided^ Wood- nbth. Couped peircedj Grill. Peirced^ Ralphfon. In- grail'dy Norwood) Warner of Norfolk, Mickletfield,- Cidul, &:g. Checkie^ Paris of -Ltneoln, Whitney, ^c. Sw^m2unt€d^^ Mxltoii, Kt^uUdi Warner of Suffolk. ■-^ ^ - -' %^ h of HE%ALVfyr. XXV 2. A Chief is found Flam^ m the Arms of Bruce, Scambler) Worklley, Sylgarci, &c. Crenelle ^ RynceP ter. indented^ Efcourt, BafiTet, Butler, Dyer, Black- hall, &rc. Nebule^ Roydenhall. Verrey^ WilcccJcs, 5.. A Tlain Tale is in tlie Arms of Wyche and Wood- ward. Cotifed^ Heathcot. Radiant Rayonee^ Colman. 4. A Plain Bend in the following Coats, vitl. Cal- lis, Delyne, Whetnall, Annefly, &c. Indented^ Cray- croft. Cotifedj Bowyer, Plummer, Wingate. f^oid- edj Pdter, Ireton, &c. Loz^en^y^ Lenthal, Pye. Wa- zy-, White, Antefhye, Webfler, Wallop. Dancette^ Carrick, Weft of Oxford. Ingrail'd^ Waller of Suf- folk, Colepeper, &c. F/crj/, Kelke. Crenelle^ Walleys. Raguled^ Warner of ElTex, Payne of Cambridge. 5. There is a Plain Fejje in Covil's, Car fey 's, Abbe- hall's, Burkin's and Winter's Coats. Checkie^ Courtis, Wright of York. hgraU'd, Ely, AlLfield, Slyfield, Appleton, &c. Dancette^ Plowden, Vavafour, Weft of Bucks, Somers, &c. Verrey^ Wright of Surry. Wa- vy-f Weld of Lancafhire, Hawes, Watfon, &c. Coti- fed^ Weaver, Smith of Devon. Nehide^ Weld of Sa- lop, Thorpe, Harewell. Raguled, Payne of Norfolk^ Crenelle^ Glover. 6. The Chevron is born Plain in the Arms of Staf- ford, Avene, Barlov^^, Warwick, &:c. Ingrail'd^ Child of EiTex, Wood of Glouceiter, W^ilfcrd, Smallpiec© of "Norfolk. P^oidedf Pynfold. f^errey^ Wilmore, Wil- kinfon of Kent. Cotifed^ Smith of Surry. Qziarterly^ WincoU. Rompej Saalt, Allen. 7. Plain Salt ires are frequent, as in the Coats be- longing to Crathorn, Wakeman of Gloucefter, Wil- liams of Pembroke, &c. hgrail'd'^ Clarke of Creeton, Pol wheel, Wotton, Watt on. Flory^ Webber. Fer- r'ey^ Willington. Surmounted of another'^ Andrews, Suy mounted of a Crcfs^ Prince. Thefe few Forms of Bearing, and the Inftances of them, I made Choice of to mention here, not because there are no others, or that all of 'em may be found VI the following Sheets, but becaufe they are fuch as d ^ I xxvi The GRAMMAR I cou d moft readily call to mind. ■ .. I fuppofe I ■need make no Apology for inferring i Seftion of this Nature, feeing (as *tis a Sort of 'Pable to the Ordina* ries) it can fcarce fail of being ufeful to tke Reader. Seel. IX. Cautinns: Containing the Names of kbim- dies J Gutteesj and other Matters, IK Heraldry there are feveral Kinds of Charges, which tho' alike in Form, differ in Name, either by reafon of their Colour, or fome Diffimilitude in their Shape, not very confpicuous. Oj the I ft. Sm are the Guttees and Roundles. ; The Word Guttee in French fignifies a Drop *, and whatever Charge or Field thefe are found upon, fuch Charge or Field, (according to the Tin<^ure of the Dropsj is faid to d£ Giittce •Yellow^ \ d' Ory White .3 / Eauj Green If^Blew Black Red d* Olive de Larmesj y de Poix^ de Sang-I ,^.f. of Gold. - of Water. of Oil Olive. of Tears, of Pitch, of Blood. So likewife Roundles^ according to their different Colours, have new Names aflign'd thenv, for fYellow ' White Green Blew Iftheybe< Black Purple f Befants. Plates. Pomeyg^ ^ Hurts. YThey are caM^ Ogreifcfi. ^ t* Golpeg. Oranges. Guzes. XRed J ,LTorteauxe$. ^ Or Fg/Uts. But of HE^kAfn^r. xxvii But when they are fb born as to be counterchang'd, you can call them nothing but Roundles^ as in the Arms «f Abtotj once Earl oi Worcefter^ which is. Per Pale Topaz, and Ruhy^ (hrec Eoundles coiinterchangd. Take the fame Courfe, when the Drops above mentioned are counterchang*d, of which you have an Example in Mr. Gwillims Difplay of Heraldry ^ p. 370. viz., the Arms of Grindour* Of thQ fcccfjd Sort-i virz,. Such as feem alike in Form, yet differ really both in Shape and Name, are The FufiL The Loz.e?ige. The Mafck. The Difference to be obferv^d in them is, That i^t Fufil is longer than the Loz^enge, and narrow *, the Lo- z,enge has bet^veen X}ciQ, two middle Angles as much or more Space, as the Length of either of the Lines 'tis made of*, and the Mafck is always voided, i, e, the Field is feen thro* the middle of it. And thus have I finifh^d what I thought neceflary to mention concerning Blaz.«nj w^hich I hope will be to Satisfaction : I now proceed to the Rules of J/^f^ falling. d 2 %ap» xxviii I7;e GRAMMAR Chap. IL Oj MarpsaUing, ArJIialUng is an orderly beftowing of Things, ^^di A, Within 1.1 Tc 1 Seft.II. fr.>w/'''^E*^''^^^^<'"- Sel(pofition of divers Coat- Armours in cne Shield (or Efcccheoii) which is the firfi Part of Mar- Jhalling, f^ Oat-Armours of different Families, are Marfhalled ^^ in one Efcocheon, on Accounts, Manifefi or Oh- fcure. The Jl^nifefi Reafons are, (\.) Marriages. (W.) The Gift of the Sovereign, (I.) Under the Firfi Head we nraft obferve, That fometimes only two Coats are born together, conjoin- ed . Paleways in one Efcocheon, and this is called Ba- ron and Femme ^ concerning which take the following Notes. i. The Arms of the Man are always to be placed on that Side of the Efcocheon which lies to your left Hand, for in Heraldry that is the Right (or Dexter^ Side. If a Man do marry two Wives^ he ihali bear his Shield per pcde, on the Sinifter Side his two Wives Coats, the firft in Chief, the fecond in Bafe. M three Wives J the two firft fhall have the Chief Part, the third all the Bafe. If he have a fourth Wife^ fhe muft particim^ of t\i^ Bafe, with the third Wife. '^^YwieHiber to have feen in fome Author, an Exam- ple of a Baron impal'd between his two Femmes-, viz.. the the firft Wife on his Dexter, the lecond on the Sinifter ; but 1 cannot find that fuch a Form of Marlhalling is common or commendable. 2. No Man can' C legally j impale his Wife's Arms with his own, unlefs fuch Wife was an Heirels. Nevertheless, Cuftom has fo far prevail'd, that all who have married Women w^hofe Parents bore Arms, do joyn their Wives Arms with their own. Whether they ought to do fo, or not, I leave to be decided by^ liich skilful Heralds, whofe Province 'tis determine things of this Nature. ' -' 3. In the Arms of all Femmesy joyn'd to the Pater- nal Coat of the Baron^ the proper Diirerejices by which- they were bora by the Fathers of fuch Women, muft., be inferred. 4. If a Coat-Armour that is Bordered, be joyn'd in. Pale vvith another, as a Marriage, then /hall that Part of the Border, (whether of the Baron or Femme's CodX) which is next to the other, be wholly omit- ted. Note here J That all Archbifhops and Bilhops do bear their ow^n Arms thus impal'd with that 01 their See, only, Honori4 Cmfa^ the Dexter Side is given to the See. Alfo Note •, That the Bifhop of Winchejier . being always Prelate of the Moft Noble Order of the, Garter, has the whole of his Arms inviron'd by the Garter, as tho' he were a Knight Companion. The Kings at Arms do alfo fometimes marfhall the Arms of their refpe^ive Office, with their Paternal, taking the Sinifter Side to themfelves. 2. Unto this Head alio muft be referr'd the Efcocheonof\ Tretence ^ and herein the Perfon that marries an Heirels, has a Priviledge above others ^ for after IlTue receiv'd by fuch Wife, he \% at Liberty whether he wall eonti^ nue to bear her Arms impard, or on 2si Efcocheon of Tretence^ in the Centre ofhis own Coat or Coats. An Efcocheon of Pretence is fo call'd, becaufe he that bears it does pretend (God willingj to maintain in his Family, the Inheritance receiv'd by his Wife. 3. The XXX The GRAMMAR ^. The Eldeft Son of fuch a Match as is juft men- tian'd, doth bear the Arms both of his Father and of his Mother, Quarterly, L e» twice each ^ and that be- cauie he is Heir to the Inheritance of both, as well as to their Arms. There are fonie Examples of this Kind in the following Sheets, as that of Lxl. Armdel^ Mr^ Walker J and others. (II. J Under the fecond Head, vit. Such Forms of Marfhalling as manifeftly betoken a Sovereign Glft^ are thofe given of fpecial i^avour^ or Remuneration of Ser- vice, Of the firft Sort are all fuch Armorial-Signs as the Sovereign thinks fit (for the Honour of the Bearerj to iniiex to a Coat- Armour : Which are marfhaird Pale- ways or otherwlfe. In all fuch as are plac'd Palewaysj the Detter Side (ob Reverentiam MunijicentU RegaUi) £5 to be given to the added Coat. Thofe marfhaU'd otherwife^h^Q the whole Sovereign Enfigns, or a Part of the^i, in or upon (bme Part of their Efcocheon. His Grace the D. of Somerfet bears Ory Oft a Pile Gules between fix Fleurs de Lis Azjire^ 3 Li6ns of England* His Grace the Duke of Beaufort bears. Quarterly France and England^ within a Border eompone^ Argent and Aucre^ Other Examples may be obferv'd in reading. Among fuch Augmentations as thefe, we may add, the Baronet's Afark-, or Arms of the Province of Vl- fter in Ireland^ which was granted to them by King James I. who began this Dignity, and for certain Mo- nies paid toward the Plantation of the faid Province, created divers into it. The Arms are, .Argent^ a Sinlf- ter Hand coupcd-^ Gules* The fecond Kind, which are given for Remunerati- en of Service^ to iuch as are imploy*d in Warfare j or in Civil Affairs^ are ift. Such Badges as belong to the feveral Orders of Knighthood, every Companion hav- ing Right to joyn them with his Paternal Coat. 2dly. He thit takes Prifoner in lawful Wars, (bjiic Geuexalj Adiriiral, or other Perlbn of Note, has fomt- times if HE^JLD%t. xxxi times the Arms of his Priloner joyn*d to his own, in a. Canton or otherwife •, where note, that in blazoning fuch Additament, 'tis no Fault to repeat the Names of Tinctures, &c ufed in the Coat. Hitherto the Occafions of Marflialling divers Coat- Armours in one Shield, are mamfejt j now I come t» treat of fuch as be obfcure^ that is, when Hereditary Coats are fo Marfhail'd, as that the Beholder cannot ^ve any probable Conjcfture why they are fo join'd, an4 often cannot tell whether they are two Coats or but one. Vpton gives the two differing Rules, both for dip covering and ordering things of this Nature. He fays, ' When a Man has large PolTelfions by kis * Mother, and Uttle by his Father, he may bear his * Mother's Arms on the nether part of the Shield, and * his Fatlier's on a Chief. Again, ' It is certainly the beft way of bearing di^ * vers Arms in one Efcocheon, to marfhal one as an * entire Coat, the other on a Bend, &:c. But thefe two are diflik'd by many Armorifts, who reckon them Conceited Forms. The like may be faid concerning that odd Form of niarfhalling the Barons Arms, viz,. Paleways between his two Wives, of which BUme has an Example. Seft. IL Of Things MarJIiaird without the Efcocheon^ A ND here, eV6 we proceed further, 'tis propdrtd^ ^^ tell you what an Atchievment is in Heraldry^ and according to Leigh-, 'tis the Arms »f every Gentle-^ fnan^ well marfljall^dj with the Supporters-^ Helmet-, Wreath and Crefi., with Mantle and Words, But the proper Term of this in Blazon, is l^eatome and me ifHE%ALV%t. xxxvii 7he Atchievment of a Baronet or Knight. HE Right worfliipful Sir Nicholas Corerv oi Bed '"gton in Sum,, Baronet, bear? quartered Twelve Coat?, m. ift Or, three Lioncek paffint SablZ on a Canton Argent, a dexter Hand couped at the Wr?ft Gu es. 2d. Argent, three Snakes nowed proper ,d Gules, a dexter Arm proper, habited with a MaunVl' Ermme holding a Heur de Lis Or. 4th: QuarS Sable and Argent. 5th. Gules, a Fe/Te checSe SaSe and Argent, between fix Crofs-Crofiets of the thkd! 6th, sxxviii Be GRAMMAR 6tii. Aziire, three left Hand Gauntlets Argent. 7th. Erniine, on a Chief Azure, three Crofs-Pattees Ar- gent. 8th. Azure, a Frett Argent, and Chief Gules. 9th, Or* A Lion rampant double qucvee Saye. loth. Goles, a Feile dancette between fix Crofs-Croflets Or. nth. Barry of fm Ermine and Gules, overall thrte Crefcents Argent. 12th. Argent, three Piles wavy iP Iblng out of tfie chief, and meeting, near in Bale Ve'rt, widiin a Border Azure, charg'd with entoyre of ten Bezants. In the Nombril Point an Efcocheon of Pre- tence Argent, three Fleurs de Lis in Bend, between 2 Cbtifes Goles, al! within the Efcocheon, and above it a Helmet befitting his Degrep^ mantled Gules, doubled Argent^ over which is placed a Torce Or and Gules, shove^ a demy Lion rampant between fix half Pikes, bendways dexter andfiinifter, all ifTuingfrom the Top Mdi Head of a Sliip, Or. The whole Supported on ^ch Side by an Antiiope Gules, attlr'd and unguled Or, and for the Motto, Nil confdre fibi» iV. B. Tho* the above Arms are found to be Sup- ported, let not ihs; Reader inferr, that aU Knights or Bironets may bear theirs fo ', for this Honourable Per- fon, having had the Peerage M his Family, retains the £rne form of bearing withfcs Noble Anceftors. -AvZlu: The The Atahievmat^^f a Baron* T H E Riglit Honourable WiUiam Temple^ Lord Coh-' ham J bears Quarterly two Coats, viz.. ifl and 4th. I Topaz, an Eagle difpiaid Diamond. 2d and 3d Pearl, 2 i Bars Diamond, each charg'd with three Martlets Topaz. \ On a Crown fitting the Degree of a Baron, a like Hel- i met proper, mantled Ruby, doubled Ermine, thereon « ! Grown Topa;z, above a Martlet of the iame. Aiad for Ihis Supporters, on the dexter fide a Lion party per ii FefTe Topaz and Ruby, on the finifter fide a Horfe ;i Pearl, kmy of Eaglets Diamond. The Motto Te?npU \ qmm dik^a. xi The GRAMMAR iToe Atchievment of a Vij count. HE Right Hon. Charles Townfiend^ Vifc Tov^^i* (hendj bears Quarterly^ illand 4th Saphire,aChe' vron Ermine between 3 Efcaliops Pearl. 2d and 3d Quarterly Ruby and Topaz, in the Dexter Point a Muliet Pearl, and a Crefccnt for Difference Diamond. Impal'd with IVdpole^ viz.. Topaz, on a FefTe between 2 Chevrons Diamond, as many Crofs-Crofletsof theift. Above on a fuitable Coronet, a Helmet proper, mant- led Ruby, doubled Ermine, and over it on a Torce Pearl and Saphire, a Stagg tripping proper, attired & arm^J Topaz. The whole fupported on the Dexter fide by a Stagg proper, attir'd &:c. Topaz, oa the finif- ter by a Greyhound Pearl. V>e itfBB^Al'D^r. xli The Atchievment of an. Earl. HE Right Hon. €harles Spenfer^ Earl oi Sunder- landj bears Quarterly Pearl and Ruby, in the fe- cond and third a Fret Topaz, over all on a Bend Dia- mond, three Efcajlops of the firft. Impal'd with Chw chily viz,. Diamond, a Lion rampant Pearl, and a Can^ ton of the laft charged with St. George's Crols. And above the fame, on a Coronet fitting his Degree a Hel- met proper, thereon, ifTuing out of a Crown Topaz, a Griffin^s Head with Wings difplaid Pearl, gorg'd with a Gemew Ruby. Supported by a Griffin party per FeiTe Pearl and Topaz, &c. on the dexter fide, on the fmifter fide a Wivern Pearl, &c/ Z The The jitchkvmeht »e <3 R A M M A k 1/? /4trli'E7J merit oT a Dicke» i ^..6uc^ Thomas Hollis^^ D,'o( JSfewcaJfle^ ...., i 'fe^ts^hwierly? "ift and -4tH ^apHire, tKree Peli- JaW Ai'^^nt) VulTiing ■ themfelvcs proper, ad and. .3d [Kuf y/j^two demy Garters pateways Pearl, all within Tthe oarEer> ,• And libove the fame, on a. Helmet pro- jpej^^.&c. a j^ea^ockj^fpiaid Pearl. Sufjported on. the 'Sexter^fid^Tby a tay Horfe., on the'finifter by aBear ]VF^^¥li9^^^ coHe.redj. nowed Pearl. Motto, rmcit "-fjircr^he' Reader to take. JStoticCy that the Coat of ^p^Qncir^'')u!f''yne?jt]o7idi ivas Blaz.on'd. abruptly only fo for Want of Koo?:-!, The J^e Royal Arms* ^3;liii riEORGEf by the Grace of God, King oi Great- ^^ Britain-^ France and Ireland^ &c. Defender of the Faith, our only Rightful and Ever-Glorious Sovereign, bears for his Royal Enfigns Armorial, Quarterly, vi^i, ifi. Mars, three Lions paffant guardant in Pale Sol, for the Arms of England^ ImpaFd with Scotland^ i. e. Sol, a Lion rampant within a double Trefliire coun- terflory Mars. 2d. Jupiter, three Fleurs de Ds Sol, for the Arms of Frame, 3d. JupitCi", an Irifli Harp Soij^ xliv 77;e GRAMMAR. Sol, ftringed Luna, for Ireland. 4th. S«me party pat Pale, and per Chevron enarche, in the ift Mars, two Lions paiTant guardant Sol, for BrmfwlcL In the ;^cl Partition Sol, ferny of Hearts Mars, and a Lion ramptnt Jupiter, armed and langued of the Firft, for Lune- burg. The bafe is Mars, a Horfe currant L^sina, over thefe laft on an Inefcocheon, Conftantine's Crown. All within the Garter. Above the whole a Helmet fuitable to his Majefly*s Royal JuriiHiftion, upon the fame a rich Mantle of Cloth of Gold, doubled Ermine, a- dorn'd with an Imperial Crown, and furmounted by a Lion palTant guardant, crowned with the like : Sup- ported by a Lion rampant guardant Sol, crowned as the former, and an Unicorn Luna gorg'd with a Crown with a Chain thereto affix'd, paffing between his fore- legs, and reflex*d over his Back Sol. Both ftanding on an Efcrole, from the midU of which ifTues, the 2 Royal Badges of his Majefties chief Dominions, viz.i a Rofe for Englandj and a Thiftle for Scotland. And an the iaid Efcrole this Motto, Dieu et Mon Droit, THE THE GRAMMAR OF HERALDRY. HAving in the Preface hereto accounted for that Deficiency which there feems to be in the Al- phabetical following of Names, and in the Precedent Rules, having given fuch General Inftrufli- ons as I thought needful *, the Examples following fhall furnifti out fuch Particular Obfervations, as will be farther ufeful. Ahhehall of Glcucefierjhire ', The Field is Or, a FelTe Gules. The Name of this Ordinary comes from a Word which in French fignifies the Loins of a Man^ 'tis taken in Heraldry for Cingw lum Honoris-y a Belt of Honour. Ahhington of Dowdefwel in Gloucejler- finre\ He beareth Argent, on a Bend Gules, three Eagkts difplaid, Or. Crefi:. A dexter Arm proper, girded about the Elbow with a ScarfF Argent, holding a Halberd Sable^ the Head and Pick at the End Or. A Jka^ The GRAMMAR Ahrahall oi HerefordJJnre'^ The Field is Azure, three Hedghogs Or. The bear- ing of a Hedghog, fignifies a provident Man, who watchfully lays Wait for, and Hold on, every Opportunity to advance hinifell. Member of Parlia- ^%j Addifsnj fnow a W I ment for Mahnshury) ', The Field is Er- i^^JT^^I mine, on a Bend Gules, three Annulets K 1?^' i: -:\ Qr, a Chief Azure, charged with as ma- /.f ,|x j-^rX)! ny Leopard's Heads of the third. In this 1^^' i"^^^ and the like Places, the Words, Charged ^>'^^ rpithj and of the Thlrd^ are ufed to a- vold repeating of the Words, On and Or, which Re- petition you have been direded always to Ihun. Ainge of London'^ He beareth Azure, a Chevron Ermine, between three Crofs Pattees Argent. Thefe CYoffes are very properly called fattees^ becaufe their Ends are Tatid<^^ broad and open. Ahlont of Glouccfierjhire *, The Field is Argent, on a Bend cotifed (or, on a Bend bet^veen two CotifesJ Gules, three Martlets Or. Thefe are called Cotifes or Coftsj from tho Latin Word Cojia^ a Rib, becaufe they are plac'd on each Side the Ordinary. Aidam ^ Azure, one Ray of the Sun, ilTuing out of the dexter Corner of the Efcocheon, proper. ' There is no need to mention the three Lines on each fide the Ray, becaufe there are no fuch in Nature, but the Luftre of the Sun, be- ins; too ftrong for our Eyes, caufes us to imagine fuch tl iii^s to be about it. Aldridgey of HE%JLD%r. Aldridge^ (Capt.J He beareth Gules, on a Chevron between three Eagle's Heads eraz'd Ardent, as many Lozenges of the firft. The Term erazjcl comes from the Latin Word erado^ to rent off, or the French arrajher^ which fi^- nifies the fame. ^llen of Effex ', He beareth Sable, a Croft Potent Or. It may alfo be bla- zoned, a Crols Crowche, from the Re- femblance each Extremity bears to the Head of a Crowch (or Crutch) whiclj Chaucer calls a Potent. | Allen of London ^ The Field is Par- ty per Fefle Gules and Sable, a Che^ vron rompe between three Griffin*s Heads erazed Ermine. The Term Rompe^ is derived from the French Rompu-^ or the Latin ' Rumpus j which both fignify, Broken, j^Hesbury or Aylesbury'') He beareth Azurt, a Crofs Argent. Here you need not mention the Plainnels of the Crois, nor muft you when any other Ordina- ry is fo born. Amades of Plymouth \ The Field is Azure, a Chevron Ermine between 3 OaHen Slips, a.eorn*d proper. A 2 Amhefa^e , 77;c GRAMMAR Amheface-^ He beareth Or, three Dice Sable, each charged with an Ace Ardent. Anderfon of Scotland'-^ He bearetk Azure, a Lion rampant Argent, and in Chief three Mullets of the fame. A Lion rampant muft be efteeni*d in Scot- tilh Heraldry, to be a very noble bear- ing, becaufe it participates of the Ar- morial Enfigns of that Kingdom. Andrews of BucUnghamflnre *, The Field is Gules, a Saltire Or, furmount- ed of another Vert. The Saltire in .old Time was of the Height of a Man, and being driven full of Pins, ufed to fcale the Walls of Towns, which then were very low. Andrews of Harsfield in Gloucejier- fhire\ He beareth Argent, on a Bend cotifed Sable, three Mullets of the firft. Leigh faith. That Coat- Armour whole Field is Argent, and the Charge Sable, is the moft fair kind of Bearing. The Rt. Hon. Arthur Anne/ley^ E. of Anglefeaj bears ^ Paly of fix-, Pearl and Saphire, a Bend Ruby. The Bend feems to have its Name of the French Word Bender-, to ftretch forth. Some Armorifts fay it reprefents a Scaling- Ladder, Anteftiyt j of BE\AL1>%r. A Antefl)ye\ Party per Pale, Or and Argent, a Bend wavy Gules. The Term Wavy-y or Vnde^ is uled, becaufe" of the Reiemblancc this fort of Line has to the boifterous Waves of the Sea, Applet on of E^ex'^ He bcareth Ar- gent, a FefTe engrail'd Sable, between three Apples, leaved proper. Are shine of Scotland'^ The Field is Argent, on a Pale Sable, a Crols Pat- te-Fitche of the firft. Guillim in bla- zoning the fame Charge, fays, A Crofe Pattee on 3 parts, and Pitched in the fourth. The Reader in all fiich Caies, where a Coat can be differently blazo- ned, may ufe which Form he pleafe. Armeflrong *, He beareth Gules, three dexter Arms vambrac*d proper. This Coat is very well adapted to the Bear- er's Name, and ferves to denote a Man of excellent Conducl and Valor. Arnold of Gloucejierjhire ', The Field is Gules, a Chevron Ermine between three Pheons Or. Crefi* A demy Tyger Or, Pelletty. Theons are the Iron Heads of Darts, which formerly were ufed in Wars *, and the bearing of them is both ancient and commendable. Arthyr 7he GRAMMAR Arthur of Clopton in Somerfetjhk The Field is Argent, a Chevron between 3 Organ-Refts Gules. The Rt. Hon. Tho, Arundel L. Arun- del o^Wardour^ beareth^ Diamond, fix Swallows (3, 2, I.J Pearl. Crefi, h Wolf paffant Pearl. The Rt. Hon. John Arundel L. Arun- del of Trericey beareth '^ Qaarterly, iM. and 4f/V. Diamond, fix Swallows (^3, 2, I.) Pearl*, 2\r. B Breach of Clrencefier in tlie Count/ of GlouceJter\ The Field is GuleSy a Chevron between three Bugle-Horns, ftringed Or. Crefi, Aa Antilope fei- ant proper. Brer et on of Cheffnre\ He h^areth Argent, two Bars Sable. Brewfler of Norfolk and Sufilk *, He beareth Sable, a Chevron. Ermine b^^- three Eftoils Argent. '"''^w^^" The Bifhoprick of J?rjt/?o/ Has for its Scal^ Sable, three Ducal Crowns in pale Or. According to fome, wheij Crowns are Yellow, the Blazoner is at Liberty to term them Or or proper. Broadfione-^ He beareth Argent, on a Quarter Gules, a Rofe Or. Crejf-^ Out of a Crown proper, a Boar's Head Sable, guttee de Sang. Sromwlvh \ The Field is Argent, a Lion rampant Sable, guttee d*or. Crefi. Out of a Crown proper, an Unicorn's. Head Gules^ Mroeki B The GRAMMAR Brooke of Leicefterfiire ^ He bearetK Or, a Crofs ingraird, party per pale Gules and Sable. Broohhanh of Ixtndon'^ The Field is Azure, two Bars wavy Argent Broohhy of Lekejierjhire ^ The Field is barry wavy of fix Argent and Sa- ble, a Canton Gules. Brough of Littcolnfhire\ The Field is Argent, on a Saltire Sable five Swan$ proper. The Swan is called Apollo's Bird, not only for his Colour, which is the Emblem of Sincerity^ hut- h^. caufe he is faid to defpife Deathj as all wife Men do. The Rt. Hon. Henry Browne^ Vifc. Montacute^ bears y Diamond, three Lioncels paflant in Bend, between x double Cotifes Pearl. Browning of Cowley in Gloucefterflnr^;^ The Field is Azure, three Bars wavy Argent. Crefi, On a Chapeau Gides, -^ lined Ermine, a Pair of Wings ere^- g| ted finifter Bend ways. _ The of HE(B^JLD%_t B The Rt. Hon. Thomas Bruce Earl of jiUeshvryj bearethj Topaz, a Saltire and Chief Ruby. J Tli« Rt. Hon. George Brudenetl^ £• of Cardigan') beareth^ Pearl, a Che- vron Ruby b&tween three Morions Sa- phire. The Morion or Steel-Cap^ was the ancient Armour for the Head of* Foot-Soldier. The Rt. Hon. James Brydges, E. of Caernarvan-i bears ^ Pearl, on a Crols Wit ^^ Hill J^^^'^^^^^j ^ Leopard's Head Topaz. i I Bull of Somerfetjhire ^ The Field is Or, three Bulls Heads truncked Gule& Next to the whole Creature, the bear- ing of the Head ismoft honourable. Burhn of Effex'^ He beareth ilxg&xt^ a Feffe Gules. Burleigfj of Hampfiire ^ The Field is Vert, three Boars Heads couped Ar- gent tumlnghlUj B Tl7e GRAMMAR Bumlnghtll'^ The Field is Sable, 5 Gad-Bees volant en Arriere, Argent. Tne Term en Arrkre is proper to fly- ing Creatures, when they move up- vrards. . ^ Bumell cy{ Norfolh'^ He beareth Or, a Chevron Ermine between thi*ee Oak Leaves proper. In bearing of Leaves, except their Points are placed towards the Chief part of the Efcocheon, you muft take Care to mention the manner of their Pofition, viz. Bendways^ Bar- waysy Sec. Butler of Suedly^ Qhuc, He beareth Gules, a FelTe checkie Argent and Sa- ble, between fix Crofs-Pattees fitched in the Foot, Or. Bye ^ The Field is Azure, three Be^s volant en Arriere, Argent A Bee reprefents the prudent Man, who h|is the Art of making the moft of every thing, for his own, and the Publick Good. TheRt. Hon, William Byron^ Lord Byronj bears ♦, Pearl, three Beadlets enhanced Ruby. Cadul'y Cad.ul *, He beareth Argent, a Crofs engrail'd Vert. Cairnes of Ireland ^ The Field is Ar- gent, three Martlets Gules. Calmady of Devon ^ He l)eareth A- zure, a Chevron between three Pears Or. Cdy oiWiltJhire-^ He beareth Quar* ly Argent and Sable, on a Bend Gules three Mullets of the firft. Camel ^ The Field is Sable, a Camel paflant Argent inond, His Grace, John Campbell Duke of Argyle^ dec, in Scotlandj Earl of Green- wichj &c. in England^ bears Quarterly two Coats, visi. I ft. and 4th. Girony of eight Topaz and Diamond, for his Paternal Coat. 2d. and 3d. Pearl, a Ship Diamond. The Arms of the Archiepifcopal See of Canterbury^ are thus Blazoned by Heylin in his Help to.HlJiory'j Saphire, an Epifcopal Staff in Pale Topaz, en- fign*d with a Crofs Pattee Pearl, fur- mounted by a Pall of the iaft, charg'd with four CrofTes forme fitche Dia<- edged and fringed as the fecond^ The The GRAMMAR The Rt. Hon. William Capel^ Ear! of £i/^A;, bears ^ Ruby, a Lion ranir pant Pearl, between three Croft CroA lets fitche Topaz. Capenhurfl: ^ The Field is Argent, 3 Capons Sable, armed crefted and iel- lop'dOr. The Rt. Hon. William-Ferdinand Ca- rey^ Lord Hunfdonj bears ^ Pearl, on a Bend Diamond three Rofes of th$ Field. Carey oi London'^ The Field is Ar- gent, on a Bend Sable, three Roles of tiie firft, a Canton Or, charged with an Anchor as the fecond. The Anchor fignifieth Succour in Extremity, and is alfo an Emblem of Chriftian Hope. The Bifhoprick pf Carlijle has for its Seal ^ Argent, on a Crois Sable a Mi* tre with Labels Or. Carlofs of BE(^ALV%r. C Carlofs of Stafordfidre'^ The Field is Or, on an Oak branched and frufted proper, a FefTe Gules, charged with 3 Imperial Crowns Or. Carne\ He beareth Or, thtee Lion* eels pafTant Sable. Carpenter'^ The Field is Azure, two Lions combatant Or. Thefe are call- ed Lions^ in Exception to the Rale be- fore given, becaufe they how feem to be driving for the Maftery of the Fiel9, which they wou*d not do, unlefs thejr were of full Growth. The worfhipful Company oiCdrpett'^ penters^ bcar^ Argent a Chevron be- tween tl^ee Compafies eKteaded Sa> ble. The Rt Hon. John Cartaret^ Lard Cartaret^ bears ^ Ruby, four Fufils ia Fcfle Pearl, with a CreTcent for DilFe* rence. all proper* •rti"©race, WiBiam^CavendlJJj^ Duke of Devohfinrey beareth •, Diamond three ^cks H^d&cabolh'd Pearl, attir*d Ori Ciwil\ Th-Q. Field is Gules, 5. Sails A;:§ent* "ThefRt Hon, Jamos Cecily Earl of Salisbury-, bears v Barry of ten, Pearl and Saphire, over all fix Efcocheons Diamond, each charged with a Lion" rampant of the firft, a Crefcent for Difference. The Earl of Exeter hears the fame without the Difference, Chaloner t) nn^jL^x^Y. Ojaloner of Torkfljire and Chefl^ . The Field is Sable, a Chevron between 5 Cherubims Or. Chasmhty-law 6((iicford and Gtomefter* flnrt \ He beareth Gules, an Efcocheoa Afgent, between eight Eftoils m Orfcw Or. ' The Bifhopricic of Chef^er has for ks Seal^ Gules, three Mitres with theif Labels Or. Chefier of Martfordjf^. The Field \$ Ermine, on a Chief Sable, a GrifRr^ paflant Argent. oejter of Almondshtiry ; He bearet^ Gules, a Lion pafTant Ermine, between three Leiirs Argent. Crefl, A Lion's Paw eraz'd, fupporting a broken Sword* dki^t6n% The Field is Sable, a Pile Point in Bale Argent, and a Che- vr(*ri counterchang'd. Cnft^ A Tiger's D z. Tkt Tte GRAMMAR The Rev. Knightly Chetwoodj D. D. bears-, (Quarterly Argent and Gules, four Qois-Pattees counterchangU The Biflioprick of Chichefler has for it Seal if Azure, a Presbyter John fit- ting on a Tomb-ftone, in his Left a Mound, his Right Hand extended Or, with a Linnen.MitPe on his Head, and in his Mouth a Sword, all proper. The City of Chkhefier^ bears for its Arms', Party per FefTe, Argent and checkie Or and Gules, in chief, ifluant out of the Fefle Point, k Caftle tripple towered Azure. Child of Effex'y The Field is Gules, a Chevron ingraird Ermine, between three Doves Argent. The Rt. Hon. Hugh Cholmondelyj E. of Chdmondehy bears', Ruby, 2 Hel- mets in Chiet Pearl, garnifh'd Topaz, in Bafe a Garb of the 3d. Charley \ of HB%AtD%t Chorley x)f Chorley in Lancafljire'^ He bearcth Argent, thxee Blew-Bcf^les. iSMBMBPJI^ IMB^H^VM His Grace, John Churchill^ Duke of Marlhoroughy bears ^ Diamond, a Lioa rampant Peairl, on a Cantand'-y The Field is Vert, a Griffin v!i^ \^ ^11^ , fegfeant Argent, on a Chief of the 2d. three Efcallops Gules, Darnel of TorJd *, He beareth Argent^ a Pale fufiUy Sable. Dannet'^ The Field is Sable, guttee d' Eau, a Canton Ermine. The Term Guttee d' Eau^ fignifies Drdps af Water, and the Colour is underftood to be Argent. panvers tf BB%JLD%t D Danvers of Tcrk ', He beareth Gules a Chevron between three Mullets Or, peirced of the Field. Creji, Out of a Crown proper J a Wivern Vert. ■*P" "^ "^ +■ -^ A:^*- The Rt. Hon. Robert Darcy^ E. of Holdernefsj bears V Saphire, ferny of Crofs-Croflets, and . 3 Cynl^foils Pearl. For the Signification of Cynkfoils in 4^ Armory, fee Efqj Bevers Coat. The Bilhoprick of St, David's Hs for its Seal *, Sable, on a Crofs Or, fi^^ Cynkfoils of the firft. JDeacle of Aylesbury in Buch. The Field is Or, on a Chevron between % Rofes Gules, barbed and feeded pror per, an Eagle difplaid of the firft. o Delabere fvulg. Doltahe) of Gtoucefi: The Field is Azure, a Bend Argent, cotife^l Or, between fix Martlets of the fecond. Cre/t. Out of a Grown proper, a Plume of five Feathers, party per Pale Argent and Azure. D Ii&^ GRAMMAR Detahay:, He bearetlj Argent, a Star of i^toQn Points Gidcs. When a Star has more than fix Points, you mufl take Care to mention their Number. Detatuna-j The Field k Azure, a Moon decreflant proper. The Moon in Heraldry is coloured white, which is taken to be her proper Hew. Deiamere of Borfetjh. The Field k Gules, two lioncels pailant Argent, collared Azure. jyennis of Devon \ He beareth Er- mine, three Battle-Axes Gules. o The Rt. Hon» Pncf DevtnuXy Vik. Hereford^ bears ^ Pearl, a Feffe Ruby, m Chief three Tor teauxes. Deynes o( Norfolk j Hc beareth Or, two Bars Sable* Dklens ofHE^JLt>%l[. Dickens of St a ffbrd'^ He beareth Er- mine, a Cro£ Patonce Sable, The Rt; Hon. William Dlghy^ Baron \r. D Button of CheJJjire y QLiarterly Ar- gent and Gules, in the 2d and 3d a Frett Or. Dyer'^ The Field is Or, a Chief in- dented Gules, with a Crelcent for Dif- ference. JDyott of Staffordfinre *, He beareth Or, a Griffin pafTant Sable. Byxton'^ He beareth Sable, a Fife Argent, Surmoimted of a Chevron Gules. The following Arms were forgot to be inferted m its proper Place. ' lyOyly 0^ Oxford and Nmfd\ , He beareth Or, tvy^Bendlets Azure, ."^jfecfrkE. A# E the GRAMMAR Eafi of Buckingham/hire J He beareth Sable, a Chevron between three Hor^ fes Heads era:^'d Argent. Edgar i^ The Field is Gules, a Che- vron Or, between 3 Leop?^rd*s Heads Argent. **i*«^,. Ed^eli oi Middle fex\ The Field is Argent, on a Chevron Sable between three Rofes Gules, as in^ny Pellets, Edgworth of Yorljhire'^ He beareth Party per Chevron. Qr and" Azure, 3 Martlets counterchangU There is nd Manner of counterchangrng more beau- tiful than this V btltfome fay all of *em are diigracefiU to th^ Bearer, tho' ^ cou*d never hear it prov*d. Edwards o( Cornwall ^y The Field i$ Ermine, an Unicorn faliattt Sable. The tfBB^JtD%_X. E I The Rt. t^n. Scroop E^mon^ Earl « of Bridgwater J bears ^ Pearl, a Lion rampant Ruby, betweeb three Pheons Diamond. \ Egerton of Staff, He beareth Gules, a FefTe Ermine between three Pheons Argent. Elkinton of Leieefierfl?ire ^ The Field is Gules, fix Croflets Or, between % Flaunches Ermine. : ' ',?> Elde of Staffordjh. He beareth Ar- gent, a Chevron between tluree FaU cons Gules. £/i^^r of 5«rr^j/*, The Field is Azure, a FeiTe Or. Elliot of Cornwall 'j The Field is Ar- gent, a FefTe Gules between two Bars wavy Azure. . ■ ■ * Ellick of Middle f ex ', He beareth Ar- dent, on a Chevron Azure 3 Fkurs de Lis Or. M - '■1 Eilis of TarTHmth h. Norfolk \ The Field is Argent, a Mkreniaid proper. > £//w of Norwicfs '-) The Field is Ar^ gent, three Eeles naiant in Pale Sable^ Eliis !ri« GRAMMAR Ellis oi Caermarthetij The Field is ' Sable, a Ckevron between three Reurs , de lis Or. ■ e ^ & ef EUls of Kent ^ and oiWeltemrln Lin- colnJfnre\ He beareth Or, on a Crofs Sable five Crefcents Argent. *i » • .• .*. • I Etmes oi Northampton 'j He beftreth iJtAJLi_iJ Emiine, two Bars Sable, each charged i 5^^ " Eynefort ', He beareth Gules, a Fret engraird Ermine. Thus abhrevlat€d^ 0/a Freteng. *a' EytonotShrepPnre-^ The Field is Or, a ¥tet Azure* Bbm-^ O- a Fret B, a Fmh^d fk GRAMMAR Fairheard of Middlefex ^ Party per Pale Or and Gules, a Crols Botony fitche, between four Cinkfoils counter- chang'd. Fdldo\ The Field is Gules, 3 Stags Heads triincked Or, attired Argent. Falkner of Lmcaflnre\ He beareth Argent, three Falcons Gules, in chief as many Pellets. K?;?/^TrvHe beareth Or^ a Chevron between three Fleurs de Ds Sable. Farley of Worcefler and Herefordjh. Party per Pale, Sable and Or. FarraHtofSurry'j He beareth Argent, on a Chief Gules two Crofles Patoncq, checkie of the firft and Azure. Farrlngdon of Berk/hire ', The Field is Sable, three Unicorns-curfent in pale Argent. '^arm^don I of HE%r. Q Gainsford o{ Surrey \ He beareth Ar- gent, a Chevron Gules, between three Greyhounds curfant Sable. Gall of Suffbli'^ He beareth Azure, a FelTe Argent, fretty Gules. The Rea- der may turn to the Arms of Dutton^ EytoHj Etchingham^ &c. where he will find entire Fretts. Gamut '^ The Field is Or, a Barulet between two Bars gemelles Gules, o- \jer all three Efcocheons Verrey. I. call thele Bars Gemelles^ from the La- tin Word GemeUm^ double'^ becaufe they are ever bofn by Pairs. Gardiner of Hampfinre'^ The Field is Sable, a Chevron between 3 Spades Argent. This Coat feems to have an Allufion to the Name of the Bearer, and there be many like it in the Book, as Cajileman') Oldcajile^ Woody Ft/her^ Hancock-, Hardbean^ Heron-, Veal^ &c. Garrets, The Field is Azure, a Lion rampant- Argent, guttee de Poix, arm- ed, langued and collared Gules, crowrte; edOr. ■ H i&awde^ T/;e GRAMMAR Gamdey of Norfolk'^ The Field i^ Vert, a Tortoife difpkid Argent ClHyxA DtvonJhirt\ He beareth Or^ a Chevron between 3 Efcallop-Shells Azure. What is fignified by the bear- ing of Efcallops, you were told m the Arms of ^^i/^f. Xjerrarixii Lmc^fhire'^ He beareth Argeat, a Saltire Gules* Su Afton. Gethin of Ireland'^ The Field is A* zure, a Buck fpringing Argent, atti-* red Or. Glhhs of Suffolk \ He beareth Argent j three Bills (or Battle-Axes) paleways Sable. Dr. GihfoH of Hatton Garden ^ The Field is Gules, an Anchor Argent, on a Chief Or> three Rofes of the firft. am 4HE^AL1>1lt GiUs of Devon ^ Pary per Chevron Argeat and Purpure, a Lion rampant counterchang*d. snE zm: GHfafid\ The Field is Vert, a Stagg ^rin^ing Or. Girllngton of Tork ^ The Field is Ar- gentj a Chevron between three Bees Sable. ^ Glafgood'-y He beareth Argent, on a -— rpTTi Fefle between two Bars gemelles Gules three Eagles Heads eraz*d Or. a Glegg'^ The Field is Argent, two Li- oncels counter-paflant Argent The Bifiioprick of Gtoucefler has for its Seal; Azure, two Keysin Saltire Or. H % ■Q The GRAMMAR ' The City of Gloncefier bears for its Arms V Or, three Chevronels Gules be- tween ten Torteauxes. r-r '^ fi ::^^^ Glover oiSitffblk^ He beareth Sable^^ a FelTe crenelle Ermine, between three Grefcents Argent. Goatly •, He beareth Ermlae, a Goafs r Head eraz'd Gules, attired Or. ' ' u^Jkf"^ • zure, three Boars pallant Argent. Goche of Llncolnfhire \ He beareth A- The worfhipful Company of 6*0/^- fmiths bear^ Qiiarterly, ift. and 4th. Gules, a Leopard*s Head Or. 2d. and 3d. Azure, a Cup covered between 2 Buckles Or. ^03 , Gordon of Suffolk '^ He^eareth Sable, Pt F^^ ^ three Leopards WW LisOr. Heads jefTant Fleujrs de Gore o^ Wiltflnre\y The Field is Or, three Bulls Heads cabofh'd Sable. Sir Harry Goring^ Bar. bears *, Argent, a Chevron between three Annulets Gules, an Efcocheon of the ift. charged with a finifter Hand, couped at the Wrift, as the 2d. Gowis *, The Field is Argent, a li- on's Head eraz'd Gules. Grafton o{ Lorkdon\ Party per Sal- tire Sable and Ermine, a Lion ram- pant Or, armed andiangued Gules. Graham of Scotland and Torh. *, The Field is Or, on a Chief Sable, three Efcallops Argent. Crmdgorge Tk GRAMMAR Grandgorge of Leicejierjhire ; He bear-* ^ eth Azure, three Ears of Guinea- Wheat, couped and bladed Or. Grcwehor (ot Grdfvenor) ^ The Field is Azure, a Garb Or, banded Gules. If the Band be ol the fame Tinfture with the Garb, you are not to Mention it, but when it differs, you niuft be fure to take Notice thereof. Green o{ Greens Norton in Northam* The Field is Azure, three Bucks paf^ fantOr. Thefe Arms are appropriated to iho Honourable Board of Green^Clothf and in The Prefent State ofLondon-^ are thu5 blazoned ^ The Field is Vert, a Key Or, and a Staff Argent, Saltireways^ Grejley oi Derhyfinre *, Verrey Ermine and Gules. Grefljam of Surrey^ He beareth Ar- gent, a Chevron Erminois, betweeni te^ three Mullets Sable* Gres}fyf\ ^f BE%ALt)%r. G Greyby^ He beareth Ermine, two Flaunches Azure, each char§*d with j Ears of Wheat, couped Or. Griffith of Wales'^ He beareth Sahle^ a Chevron between three Fleurs de Lis Argent. Griii'^ The Field is Sable, a Crofs couped, quarter-peirced Or. Grmfiead of SomerfetPnre ^ The Fielgt is Gules, two Bars verrey. ^ Gurmy of Norfolk \ Paly of fix Ot and Azure. Gwrney^ another^ The Field is Atf gent, a Crofs engrail'd Gules. Tfi^ H The GRAMMAR .r# C^ 1 ^^^ worfhipful Company of Haher- -^S^'S^H '^^^^■f? bear^ Nebule Argent and A- '^'#4t'^ \ f ii zure, on a Bend Gules^ a Lion palTant t;^^y gardantOr. ■ ■ Haddon ', The Field is Or, a Man*s Legg couped at the Thigh Azore. ■Hall<, He Wreth Argent, a Ghe-f ^ vron Sable between three Columbines I (lipped proper. Hardhean'^ The Field is Argent, 3^ Bean-Cods (or.Podsj barways 2 and i^ proper. ^s\ 5 Harding of Durham'^ The Field is v^' Gules, three Greyhounds curlant in Pale Or. Hanwell of Worcejierjhire *, He bear- eth Argent, on a Feffe nebule Sable, three Hares Heads couped Or. Harewood of Devon ^ The Field is Azure, a Chevron Ermine, between 3 Hawks Argent. jFIarl€i(pln m> c[HE%ALt>%y. H Harlewin of Devon ^ The Field i$ Azure, a FcfTc Argent, in bafe tixree I Apples Or. HarUng\ He beareth Argent, an U- nicorn ieiant Sable, armed and ungu- led Or. Harris of Devo'nflnre'^ The Field is Argent, three Crefcents Sable. Harrow *, The Field is Ermine, three Harrows conjoyn'd in the Nombril of ^ . the Efcocheon with a Wreath Argent, V.^r toothed Or. Hart hill '^ He beared Ardent, a' Hart Gules, lodged on a Mount in bafe pro* per. Haflewood^f The Field is Argent, oa a Feffe Gules between tiiree Owls Sa* ble, as many Lozenges Ermine, a Chief charged with A:^ur€, three Nut- Trees. Ths Cutter has by Mifiake mad$ a Chevron, herej infisad of a Feffe ^ I Hajfenhul'f KiU H Tk GRAMMAR -^ i f (1 Haffenhvl \ He beareth Ermirte, a 4 -.^A. i "^ Mullet of fix Points, peirced of the m The Rt Hon. Tl;^^/?^ Hajiit^s^ E^ oi Huntington^ bears ^ Pearl, a Maunch^ Diamond. The Maunch was in for- mer Times the Sleeve of a Garment* Hmhridge ot Devonfl:. The Field i is Gules, a Bend wavy Argent, in the finifter chief Point, ^' Falcon uanding on a Perch Or. 1 Hawley^ Party per Bend, Or mi ! Vert. ||||piii||w f Hayes of London'^ He beareth Er-. |H|llli*iliifeJ mxriQj three Leopards Heads Gules. Heart^f The Field is Gules, 6n *j Chief Argent three Hearts proper. Irt , this Place the Term Proper is us*d, be^ the natural Colour of a Heart fhou*%X. M The Rt;« Hon. Thomas Herbert^ E. of Pembroke^ bears ^ Per Pale Saphire and Ruby, three Lioncels rampant Ar^ gent, armed Or. The Bifhoprkk of Hereford has for its Seal ^ Gules, three Leopards Heads reverfed, fwallowing as many Reurs de Ds Or. Herondon'^ He beareth Argent, s Heron volant in Fefle Azure, mem- bred Or, between tKree Efcallops Sa- Me. Highlord of Surrey^ The Field is Sa=- ble, a Bend fieury de Lis Or, mil oi Shtlflon in Comwai '^ He bear- eth Argent, a Chevron between three Water-Budgets Sable. Leigh in his jiccidence of Arms ^ calls them Gorges'^ their Form at prefent is different from what 'twas formerly, as GwiHim has obferv'd. I2 H T/je GRAMMAR Hill of Norfolk •, He beareth Gulesi two Bars Ermine, in chief a Lion pal- Iv T i- -f 'Mi *^^> P^^^y P^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^"-^ Argent, "♦; "A" "i AJM Hill o{ Suffolk'^ The Field is Gules, two Bars Or. Hobhy of Berkflnre -^ The Field is Ar- gent, three Fufils on Slippers Gules. Hohhs of Somerfetjhire-^ He beareth Or, three Efcocheons Sable, each with an Eagle difplaid of the firft. Hocknell'^ The Field is Argent, an AfTe^s Head eraz'd Sable. Hodges of Gloucefler'^ He beareth A- zure, a FefTe between three Crefcentg Or. Holme '^ He beareth Argent, aStagg tripping proper, attired and unguled Or. , Hoptor^j The Field is Argent, two I Bars Sable, each charged with 3 Mul- ^ lets of 6 Points Ol". Hoskins 9f Bn%_ALi>%r. H Hoskins of HerefordJJu The Field is Party per Pale Azure and Gules, a Chevron between three Lions rampant Or. Hulgreve\ He beareth Ermine, aa Efcocheon Qules. 7<^^ i \ Hulks 'j He beareth Argent, 3 Piles, %rf h \ one ilTuing out of the Chief, between the two others tranfpofed Sable. ^ffM ^S| Humphry oiEffex'^ He beareth Gules, "^~^f S^ on a Crofs botony Or, four Pellets. Hunt'^ The Field is Party per Pale Argent and Vert, a Saltire counter- changed. Hurt oiStaffbrdjh* He beareth Sable, a FefTe between three Cinkfoils Argent. The Rt. Hon. Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendoft^ bears *, Saphire, a Che- vron between three Lozenges Topaz. Hyde o^Berkjhire •, He beareth Gules, two Chevrons Argent. Jaeifon Be GRAMMAR JacJifon of TorkPnre ', The Field is A-* zure, three Suns proper, a Chief Er^ mine. ^ f Ji^fon of Wittfiire ^ The Field is A- ziire, the Golden Fleece in a Border of Scotland (or doubk Treflure conn- terflory) Or. Jay of Surrey *, He beareth Or, thrc^ Leopard's Heads eraz*d and crown'd Sable. '■ ' Jay of Norfolk \ He beareth Gules, on a Bend engraiPd Argent, 3 Rofes of the firft. Sir Jofeph Jekyll'^ The Field is Or^ a FelTe between three Hinds tripping Sable. 1 Jenhns of Yorkflfnre'^ The Field is Or, a Lion rampant regardant Sable. Jenhns of Wales \, The Field is Ar- gent, three Cocks Gules, crefted and jellop'd Or. Jcn]dnfQn\ .^"1 Jenkinfon of J^orfolk ^ The Field is j Or, two Bars geriielies Gules, betweea I three Boars Heads couped Sable. rcr: Cbtf^ Jennings of Sitaffbrdflnre ', He bcaretK Argent, a Chevroii Gules between 3 Plontets Sable. Jennings o{ Cornwall and iS^/^t/?', The Field is Ermine, a Lion rampant Gules* ^ennour ofEffex-^ He beareth Azure^ a Crols-Pattee between four Fleurs d© Lis Of. Jermy of Norfolk'^ He beareth Ar- gent, a Lion rampant gardant Gules* Jernegan o( Norfolk •-) He beareth Ar- gent, three Mafcle Buckles Gules. Jervls oi CorrmaUif The Field is Ar- gent, a Fefle between three Garbs Sa- ble. Jeruis of Suffolk j He beareth Sable^ three Beehives Or. 'Jervis of Stafford/hire'^ The Field Is Sable, a Chevron Argent betweea thre@ Doves proper* Jsrv^^ I The GRAMMAR Jervls of DevonjUre -^ 1 he Field is Argent, {\yi Oft riches Feathers 3, 2^ i» Sable. Jeffop of Tor\Jlnre \ He beareth Or, two Bars, in Chief three Leopards Heads Gules. 'Jevon of Devonjhire'^ The Field is Argent, a Torteaux between four Sal- tires 2 and 2 Gwles. Ince of Lmcafljire ^ The Field is Ar- gent, 3 Torteauxes in Bend between 2 Cotifes Sable. Jnwineiy He beareth Argent, three Holly-Leaves pendant proper. Parti- cular Care muft be had in blazoning fuch Coats as have Leaves in them, to mention the Manner of their Pofition, unlefs their Points ftand towards thQ Chief part of the Efcocheon. Jones ofShrcpfijirej He beareth Ar- gent, a Uon rampant Vert. Jwfi^ o/ HE%JLDXr. Jones of Monmouth/}; ire ^ The Field is Sable, a Stag at Gaze Argent, Jones of Denhighfljire-^ The Field is Party per Bend fmifter Ermine and Er-'* mines, over all a Lion rampant within a Border engrail'd Or. Jones^ another*, The Field is Vert, a Chevron between 3 Wolves Heads e- raz'd Or, langued Gules. Jones^ another *, He beareth Ermine, a Chevron couped Sable. Joyner of London *, The Field is Azure, on a Bend Argent, an Eagle difplaid Sa^ ble. Jordan of Surrey^ The Field is Sable, an Eagle difplaid between two Cotifes Argent, a Canton finifter Or. % Jordan- The GRAMMAR Jordan oflViltfijire'^ The Field is A- ^ K^ I zure, a Lion rampant between eight '^/kfw^l Crofs-Croflets fitched, 3, 2, 2, i, Or, ^^J^i^r I ^^^ ^ Chief of the fame. ■4« r15 ^H-^ l^i^ 1 y^^^O^? I^e beareth Argent, three #" i Julyflowers flipped proper. Ireton *, The Field is Ermine, a Berxi ilv.A ^v\ ■:• ^ Voided Gules. , . • . "A^^si^ Iretor^ of Cumberland :, He beareth Ar- t^^ aX -l^^i §^^^> '"^ ^^^^ Sable, in Chiefs Mullets - " '^^ Gules. The worfhipful Company oi Iron- mongers^ bear 'y Argent, on a Chevron I Gules, between three Steel-Gads A- 1 zure, as many Lockets cap*d Or. jl^ I Ives of Devonjhire *, The Field is Ar- I gent, a Chevron Sable, between th»ee I Blackmore's Heads coupcd proper. Kddrad \ of BE^JLT)^thes in Pale barways Or. Kempton of Hartford/hire'^ He bcar- eth Azure, a Pelican between 3 Fleurs de lis Or. Kernys of Glamor^anjhire ^ The Field is Vert, on a Chevron Or, three Phe-' ons Sable. Gmllem {ays, on a Chevron Argent, three bajfbed Arrow-Heads Sa- ble. ifBE(^JL'D%r. K Kendal oi Durham'^ He beareth Par- ty per Bend indented Argent and Sa- ble. Kendal of Leicefterfi. and WarwicL The Field is Gules, a FefTe cheekie Or and Azure, between three Eagles dilplaid of the fecond. ^.- ^^ F Kent •, He beareth Azure, a Lion paf- ' ■ ' fant guardant Orj and a Chief Ermine. ^.^^-.y^y^^ I ^ Kerkham of I>evonfhtn\ The Field — — ^ __ ^ Gules, in a Border eaigraird Kerle Q^ Cornwall'^ He beareth Sable, a Saltire potent Argent, between four^ Crefcents Or. Kerridgs K Tk GRAMMAR Kerridge o{ Norfolk ^ The Field is Sa- ble, on a Pile Argent, a Cheval-Trap of the firft. Kettlehy of Salop '^ He beai*eth Ar- gent, three Chevrons Sable, a File of three Pomts Gules. Key of Tor\Jlnre\ The Field Is Sable, a Chevron Argent, in Chief a Fleur de Lis party per Pale, Or aod Azure. /;)r| Key of Northumberland ^ The Field is Vert, a Rofe Argent, between two Bars Or. ^i^i^>, 'l Klngley \ He beareth Argent, a clofe ♦ Helmet ^Gules. KingfcQtt of Glouceji. The Field is Argent, ten Efcallops f4, 3, 2, i.j Sa- ble, on a Canton Gules, a Mullet Or, pierced of the third. Notwithftand- ing here 15 in Appearance but nine Es- callops, they muft be blazoned ten, for lb many are in the Coat, tiiat which is win ting you muft fuppofe to be hid by the Hono- rary Caatcnij to which all Charges give Place. Klnfman of Nerthamptonjhire'^ The Fi^ld is party per Pale Gules and Azure, three Saltires Argent. Kirhy of Nottingham *, The Field is Anient, two Bars, and on a Canton Gules, a Crofs-Moline Or. Klrkc cf UE%JtD%t K Kirh of Sufolk ", The Field is party per Fefle Or and Gules, a Lozenge counterchang'd. Kirle of HerefordJInre \ The Field is Vert, a Chevron between three Fleurs de Lis Or. Kitfon of Suffolk *, He beareth Sabkj three Fifhes hauriant Argent, and a Chief Or. Knight of Norfolh *, The Field is Ar- gent, on a Canton Gules a Spsr leather- ed Or^ within a Border Sable. Knight of Hampftjire'^ The Field is Vert, a Bend Lozengy Or. I Knight of Ireland'^ The Field is Ar- gent, on a Quarter Gules, a Spear in. Bend Or. Kniveton of Derby *, He beareth Gules, a Chevron verrey Argent and Sable. Kroge-^ He beareth Azure, a Plow in Feffe Argent Ltuy Tl^e GRAMMAR rz-A J^\ 1 ^"^^ oiOxfordfljire'^ He beareth A- H/l ^3 \ ^^^^' ^^^^^ Swans Necks eraz'd proper. Lacy of Leicefierjhire j He beareth Argentj fix Pellets. -1^ P_j 'i:^ Lampeiaw \ The Field is Argent, 5 JJ«r-k!>--4c' Lamps Sable* and a File of three Points Oules. The Biftioprick of Landaf has for its Seal', Sable, two Crofiers in Sal- tire Or, on a Chief Azure, 3 Mitres with Labels of the fecond. QO 1 Lane of NorthamptonPnre.^ bears the fame in every Point with Kinfman of theiame County*, I cannot otherwife account for this fi.menefs of bearing^ than by imagining there has been fome Miflake made thro* many Tranfcripti- ens. Langley of London *, He beareth Or^' a FefTe Sable, in Chief three Pellets- Landey of BedfordJInre *, He beareth PaJy of fix Argent ajid Vert. Langton #/ riEft(jLf>^r. ■^ Langton of LmcolnJhirc\ He bearetJi Party per Pale Baron and Femme^ two Coats, the ift Quarterly Or and Sable, over all a Bend Argent. The 2d Ar- gent, a Fefle Gules between 3 Garbs Sa* ble. Lavlder\ The Field is Party per Fefle Gules aad Argent, a Pale counterchan- ged* Lavington\ The Field is Argent, a Saltire, and on a Chief Gulcs, 3 Boars Heads couped Or. Laurence of Lancafijire *, The Field is Ermine, a: Crofs raguled Gules. Laureme of Kent and Efjexj The Field is Sable, three Eaglets volant Or. Lee o{ London'^ The Field is Argent, a Fefle Sable, tvyro Pellets in Chi? f, in Bale a Martlet of th^iecond. Leigh \ He beareth Argent, a Cul- vcrin dilhiounted in Fefle Sable. Leig^ o^CheJhire ^ The Field is Azwfc, two Bars Argent. Sit 4 - ITre GRAMMAR T"— -7^ sir "lohn Leake beats *, Or, on a Sal- K ^^fl tire engraird Azure, nine Annulets Ar- gent, a Canton Gules, charg d with> Caftle of the third. a.. The worfhipful Ck)mpany oiLea* ther'Sellers, bear*, Argent, three Bucks tripping regardant Gules. Leete o( Sufolh The Field is Ar- gent, on a Feffe Gute, between three Matches kindled proper, a Martlet Or. Leigham', The Field is Gules, a Swan proper. ' Leman'^ The Field is Azure; a Feffe between three Dolphins naiant Argent. f^cmmingi^ ofBE%Att^t liifi Lemming^) The Field is Argent, gut- tee de Sang. This Term yoii will fin^ explain'd, not only in Chap, I. SeB, 9. of the Rules, but in many Examples. Lefon of Northampton]}], The Field is Gules, a Chief Argent, on the lowef part thereof a Cloud, the Rays of the aun iffuing from thence proper. Lewis of Monmouthfljire \ He beareth Sable, a Chevron between three Tre* foils flipped Or. Lewis of Merionethjh, The Field is Ermine, a Saltire Gules. The Bifhoprick of Lwcoln^ has for its Seal ^ Gules> two Doncels paflant gardantOr, on a Chief Azure, ourLa^ dy fitting with her Babe, Qown and Scepter, of the fecond. The Bifhoprick of Londm^ has for its Seal-, Gules, two Swords in Saltire Argent, theif Pomels Or. L 2 Th€ Be GRAMMAR The Hon. City of London bears for ^ its Arms', Argent a Crois Gules, in r^^ ^ — yl the firft Quarter the Sword of St. Paul 9 -^"'1 of the iame*, the whole fupported by two Dragons Vert. Creft. a Cap of Maintenaiice Argent, Motto, Domine dirige nosm i^# ><* Long'^ The Field is Sable, a LionpaP fant Argent, armed and langued Gules, on a Chief ol the fecond, three Cro(s-« Croflets of the firft. ^ Lovely He beareth Argent, a Che- ^ vron Azure between three Squirrels (ei- ant Gules. Lortoi TemhrokeJhire\ The Field is party per FeiTe Azure and Gules, a FelTe Or. 'Low •, He beareth Gules, 2 Wolves paffant Argentt Luciuof Effex'^ The Field is Argent, a FeiTe between fix Annulets Gules. Lutterd oi SomerfeiJInre '^ The Field is Argent, a Fcfle between three Ot- ters Sable. Mabb of BB^JLD^lt. U Mahh o{ London'^ He bear eth Par- ty per Pale Gules and Azure, a Tyger pallant Argent. The Tyger of all p- ther Bcafts (except the Uon) is the moft honourable, he beiag a Bcaft of incomparable Swiftnefs and Cruelty^, The Arms of Magdalen-Colledgc in Oxfordj arc *, Fufil Ermine and &ible, on a Qiief of the lecond, tluice lillies Argent* Magnal •, The Field is Argent, a Sweep Azure, charg'd with a Stone Or. This was an Engine, with which they us'd in old Times to caft Stones into befieged Gties. Mainltone of Herefordfh. The Field is Gules, a Fefle between thre^ Hedg- hog^ Argent. ij Mamfione, another^ He bearcth Ori on a Chief Gules, a dexter Hand coup- cd, and extended tranfvcrfe the fame, Argent* Malhffh 7h GRAMMAR j Malherhe of Devonfkire ^ The Field f is Or, a Chevron Gules between three Nettle-I>eaves proper. Mallet of Somerfet]hire\ He bcareth^ Azure, three Efcallop Shelb Or. -*« Malton V The f ie}d is Ermine, % Crofs Gules, fimio^i^ted of another ' Argetit The Difference between Stir- m^mtet^ and Fdided is, that in the laft the Field is feen thro* the Crofs, but in the former the Infide of the Crofs dif- fers from the Field. . ^T}if-A .'g^ ] Tjif Arms felemging to the Ifle of "^^^^ : Man fquafteryby the R. H. the E. of Derby) are^ Ruby, three Legs armed proper, conjoin'd in Feflc at the up- per Part of the Thigh, flexed in Tri- angle, garnilh'd and ipur'd Topaz. '^l^':^'} , Mangpth^m oi Scofliftid^ The FielcJ c^&^%4 is Argent, thre^. Mofl^s Sable, Snowl .fr^ . ^^^\ and' Feet proper. ^ ,^ould not term thtfe Moles proper,' bec^ufe C^h laid there are white ones. i^^^.j^ 3 V^ m %fHE%An)%t< M ^^l^^l i#%i His Grace, John Manners^ Duke o{ R7itland^ bfears^ Topaz, 2 Bars Sa- phire, a Chief quarterly of the 2d and Ruby, ill and 4th .two FleursdeLis of France, 2d and 3d with a Lion of England. Manw.aring. of Cfoefiert^. He beareth ^ Barry of twelve, Argent and Guks; Marjh •, The Field is Gules, a Horfe's Head coiiped Argent. This Coat is born impard, by Mr. Mead oiLondgn. The Rt. Hon. Safnud Majhamy Lei* MaQ^am^y bears •, Topaz; a FelTe humet* te Ruby, between two Lions counter- pafTant Diamond* The worfliipful Cdhipany of Mafom bear *, Sable, on a Chevron between 5 Caftles Argent, a Pair of Gonipafles di- lated of the fkit '^'^ Matthews M TW GRAMMAR Matthews of Cornwall '^ The Field is Sable, an Oftrich Argent. Matthews of Glamerganpj* The Field is Gules, three Chevrons Or. The Rt* Hon. Banefier Maynard^lu. Maynard irt England^ Baron oOVlck* low in Ireland^ bears j Pearl, a Che- vron Saphire between three finifter Hands eouped Ruby. Mead of London \ The Field is Sa* ble, a Chevron between three Pelicans Or. The Egyptians us*d the Pelican as an Hyerogliphick of the four Duties of a Father to his ChildrcH, viz.. Genera- tion, Education, Inftruftion and good Examples. ^^"j—^l Meerts o{ Lincoln/hire'^ The Field is &^ C^^h I Gules, a Feffc Argent between three \ Water-Budgets Ermine. Meeresy another; He beareth Ar- gent, a Ship with thred Mafts, a Sail trufTed up and hoifled to the Top of the Maiayatdj Ihroudcd Sable. Mcrgith Li ' cf HE(^JLD%Y, Merglth of Wales 'y He beareth Gnles, a Saracen's Head eraz*d at the Necl^ Argent, environed about the Temples with a Wreath of the fecond and Satle. Mrdpdth'^ HebearethArgent,aFeflc between three Moles Sable, Feet and Snowt of the firft. The Mole is call- in Latiri') Tatpa^ from the Greeks T1/9- Xof) i. e. Blind, Z \ . 1 Milner of LincolnJhir€\ He beareth i^^P^ibf Sable, a aevron between three Snaf= fles Or. <, Mdht^€ld\ He beareth Argent, a Crols engraird Sable, guttee d* Or. What guttee is you have been told in the firft Chapter and the 9th Se^ftion. . The Rto Hon. Charles Mildmayy L. Pltzjwalterj bears ^ Pearl, three lioncels rampant Saphire. M Mittkwell' The GRAMMAR Mltdewe/lj He beareth checkle Or and Gules, a Chief indented Azure. CrejL An Eaglets Head eraz*d Argent, armed Gules. Motto. Ufus re^lumq*. Mohun o{ Cornwall'^ The Field is Or, a Crofs: engirail'd Sable. This Coat be- longed to t^e late Lord T^/ote. Moile of Devonllnre\ The Field is Gules, a Mule pafTant Argent. Cmi- tim obferves, that a Mule depiifted paf fant, as this is, hath its ehieieft Grace- The Rt. Hon. Richard MolineuXyV. Maryhurgh in Ireland^ bears*, SaphSre, a Crofs MoHne Tofpaz, pierced L«- zengeways. The Rt. Hon. Charles Mordant^ E. of Peterbirough and Mofimouth^ bears j Pearl, a Chevron Ruby between three Eft oils Diamond. M9rhj of BE^AfD^r, M - 1 Mdrley of Su^eK ^ He beareth Sable, Ml-'^ r a Leopard's Head Argent, jeiTaiit a Fleur .aWZ-r' f de Lis Or. •M ^ . Morris \ The Field is Sable, on a v/Vjy^ J/ 1 Saltire engraiFd Argent, an Efcocbeon SL^^-:^ I Or, eharg'd with a Crofs Gules. His Grace, '^ohn Mount agus^ Duke ^^ Mount ague ^ bears*, Pearl, three Lo- zenges in Ferfe Ruby, a Border Dia- mond. The Earls o{ Mancht^sr-^Sand- wich and HalUfax^ bear the fame with proper DifFereiKes, Mufgrave of Weftnnnfier\ He bear- eth Azure, fix Annulets Ot» Thele are generally fbppos'd to reprelent the little Rings of which they made Coats of Mail. Mifierton \ He beareth Gules, an U- nicorn tripping Argent, amied and un- guled Or. This Beaft is a Reprefenta- tion of Strength and Courage, and alio of T«rtuous Difpofitions and Abilities. M z NMs •Be GRAMMAR Nabhs of Stagordjhire ^ The Field is Argent, on a Bend cotifed Gules, 3 Efcallops Or. Napier of Vorfttjhire^ The Field \% Argent, a Saltire SaWe, between iour Rofes Gules. NcttUley\ He b^areth Gules, an Ad- der howed Or. Naunton of: Suffolk'^ The Field is Sa* ble, three Martlets Argent. -v^, ^ "1 Neale of Norfolk'^ He beareth Gulc$, V?^-~^\ I ^ ^^^^ pafTant Argent. Paflant is the '^Xiii^l^ ^^^^ "^^^^ Gefture of a Lion, it ex- vo j prefiing his Majefty, Clemency and ^ i Circumfpediofl. ("^'^'"W*^^ i^Tir^^ of Norfolk •, The Field is Er- XIJ~lJX4 mine, on a Chief nebule Azure, three j A |- . >• .;i f I Efcallops Or. ^ ,- "A' Nelthorp afBE^JLVtr. H Nelthorp of Mlddlefex *, The Field is I Argent, on a Pale Sable, a Swp.rd erec- ted proper. ,, The Rt. Hon. John Nevll^ Ld. A^ ^ -^ bergaveny-i bears *, Ruby, on a Saltire 'f X j Pear] 3, a Rpfe of Lancafter. ^M ^. NevlU\ He bearetk Azure, 3 BaP tards rifing Or. Thele cannot be faid to be flying'i but volmns volare^ prepa? Ting to fly. Nemtam of Mitchnghamjh. The Field is Azure, three demy Lions Argent, guttee de Sang. The Rt, Hon. Rick Newport^ Earl ^i Bradford J bears ^ Pearl, a Chevron Ruby betvfeen three Leopards Heads Dianiond* Newto^: TU GRAMMAR NevBtm of Derhy and Torkjhire-^ He beareth Sable, two Shin-Boncs in Sal-* tire Ai^cnt. Ntchotfon of Cumbir land :, Tke Field is Azure, two Bars Ermine, in Chief tkree Suns proper. '^ NtgkingateoiEffex'-j He beareth Par- ty per Pale Argent and Gul«$, a Rofe cqunterchang'd. The Rt. Hon. Baptlft Noet^ Earl of J Gddshoroughy bears ^ Topaz, frette Ru* ' by, and a Canton Ermine* The Rt. Hon. William Northy Lord J^ortk and Grey^ bears*, Saphire, a Li- on paffant Topaz between three Fleurs de Lis Pearl. The Lord Guildford bears the fame with a Crefcent for Difference* The cf HE%,JLD%1. N The Biihoprick of Norwich^ has for its Seal ; Azure, three Mitres with their Labels Or. Nbrtpood 0^ Lechhamptm in Gloucef- terflnre •, The Field is Ermine, a Crofs cngrail'd Gules. Nunn of Norfolk and Suffolk ^ IThe Field is Sable, a Saltire between four Lions Paws eraz'd Or. Nunri', another*. He beareth Or, a Grofs engrail'd Vert. Nurfe of Oxford/hire*^ The Field is Gules, a Felfe between two Chevrons Argent. Nuthall of CheJ}nre% He beareth Ar- gent, a Shackbolt Sable. This Bearing may properly be given to a valiant Man who nas taken many Prifoners in War. The 77je GRAMMAR The Rt. Hon. Henry Obrlefty Earl of Thomond in Ireland^ Yifc. Tadcajier iit Endandj bears ^ Raby, three Lioncelif paflant guardant, Party per Pale To- paz and Pearl. ^;^^m Ockowld'^ Verrcy, on a Pale Gules &3 JJI'J three Leopard^s Heads Or. Ogle o( Lincolnjhire-^ The Field is Ar- gent, a Fefle between three Cre(cent«) each jelTant a Fleur de Lis Gules. Oktorjy He beareth Gyrony of eight Pieces, Aztire and Or, a Canton Er- mine. Oldcafile *, He beareth Argent, a Cafr tie tripple Tower'd Sable, chained tranf^ veirfe the Port, Or. Oldgrave of Chefi^ire'j The Field i$ Azure, a Chevron between three Owls Or. I Oldfietd o( LincolnPjire^ The Field is f Of, on a Pile Vert three Gatbs of the firit; Oldffw^rfk I Oldifworth of London -y The Field is f Gules, on a FefTe Argent three Lion- eels paiTant guardant Purpure. Dr. Oliver of London 'y He beareth Gules, a Mullet between ^ee CreC» cents Argent. Qffley^ The Field is Argent, on % Crofs forniy flory Azure, a Lion paf* fant gnardant Or, armed and langued Gules. One/low *, The Field is Argent^ a Feffe Gules between three C^rnifh Coughs, proper. Ormeshy of Lincolnfljire \ The Field is Gules, a Bend between fix Croflets Or. Ormeshy oiTerh^ He beareth Sablei three Qiefrooks Argeat, a Chief Or, N His a Tl^ GRAMMAR .His Grace, Peregrine Osbourn^Duke Li /f /> 5 nibvjrace, reregnne ust^ourn^UUKe yf;- -j^i of Leedf^ bears '-) Q^aarterly Azure and '7:^'r Ermine, a Crois Or. ^yry^i-'^^Mi ^'^^' -^'^thur Owe'^j Bar. bears two ^^Mjfc5tt| Coats Qiiarterly, viz,, ift. and 4th. ^^5i^#f^ Gules, a Chevron between three Li- "^"~^:|''^)' ^>| ons rampant Or. 2d. and 3d, checkie "fl^'3 V^J ^^ ^"^ Sable, on a Chief 6f the ift a Lion paffant of the fecond. With the Arms of Vlfier, Motto, Honeftas optima Politia. trr^ Owen^ another 5 He beareth Argent, three Ravens Les^s eraz*d Sable, meet- ing in the FefTe Point, their Guly Ta- lons extended into the acute Corners of*' the Eicocheoui Owen of Pemhfoktpnre J The Field is Gules, a Boar Argent, grifled, col- lar'd and chain'd Or, tied to a Holly- Bufh on a Mount in Bafe, both pro- per. /« thi^ Cut the Boarfiands wyong. The Arms of the'Ufiiverfity of Ox- ford sere) Azure, a Book expanded in 'FeiTe Argent, garnim'd, having feven Seats "Or, and this Inftription, 5^p;V»* tla et Fcellcltate ^hetwQQ tnreeii Crown^ of the third. tfie of BE^Y. G The Bifboprick of Oxford has for its Sear, Sable, a Fefle, arid in Chief 3 Ladies Heads array'd and veil'd Argent, crown'd Or, in Bafe an Ox of the 2d pafTant over a Ford proper. The following Arms flmdd have keen inferted after hi^ €race the Duke of Leeds. [ l^W^ftl Ofrey of Lincolnflnre *, He beareth A- l^ J^" ^ ^ I zure, a Lion rampant guardant in an "^ ^JifclN'?''*^! Orl of Bells Argent, cannoned Or. 4i ^ M ^ /.M ^^ Rather than the following Part of this Page fhould he left white-i I will infert from Leigh, the Arms he fays were horn by the Nine Worthies of the World ^ hut let the Reader ohfer^e^ 'tis his Fault (if it be one) that I put the Name of Guy E» of Warwick, where others put God- frey of Bullen, K. 0/ Jerufaleni. 1. Joflma^ who bare, Party per Bend fiftifter Or ai^d Gules, a Back difplaid Sable. 2. He flor J Son oi Priamm King of Tr^Ty •, Sable, two Lions combatant Or. 3. David King of Ifrael'^ Azure, a Harp Or. 4. Alexander K. of Macedon \ Gules, a Lion Or, iei- ant in a Chair, holding a Battle-Ax Argent. 5. ^udas Machabem *, Or, two Ravens in Pale pro* per, 0. Julitis Cafar'j Or, an Eagle difplaid with t^^^o Heads Sable. 7. Arthur King of Britain'^ Azure, 13 Crows (3, 3, 3, 3 and I.) Or. 8. Char le main '^ The Jerufalem Shield impaFd with the Imperial Coat. 9. Guy Earl of Warwick *, Checkie Or and Azure, a Ch«vron Ermine. N 2 The "BeGRAMMAR The Rt. Hon. Henry Taget^ Earl of Vxbridge^ bears ^ Diamond, on a Crofs engraird between foar Eagles difplaid Pearl, five Lioncels paiTant of the firft. Palmer of Kent \ He beareth Argent, a Chevron beitween three Poftfcripsfor Palmers Scrips) Sable, the 1 afles and Buckles Or. 1 The worfhipfal Company of Pari/h- Clarh-y bear •, Azure, a Fleur de Lis Or, on a Chief Gules, a Leopard's Head between tv^o Books of the fecond. The Rt Hon. Thomas Parker^ Lord Parker of Macclesfield-^ bears \ Ruby, a Chevron between three Leopards Heads \ Topaz. Parker of Warwick^* and Devonjhire j The Field is Sable, a Bucks Head ca- bofti'd between two Flaunchcs Or. Pawne j of BE(B^JL'D%r. m m Pawne *, He beareth Argent, three Peacocks in their Pride proper. Tegreffe'^ He beareth Azure, three Pair of Playing Tables Argent, bor- dered Or, pointed and garnifh'd with- in of the firft. Penruddock o{ Hartford/hire ^ He bear- eth Gules, a Limb of a Tree in Bend, raguled and trunked Argent. Pepys of Cambridge •, The Field is Sa- ble, on a Bend between two Nagg's H^ads eraz'd Argent, three Fleurs de Lis Azure. Perclval^ The Field is Sable, aHorle pafTant Argent, fpancelled on both Legs of the nearer fide Gules. Per lent of Effex *, 1 he Field is Gnles^ three Crefcsnts Argent. The Bifhoprick of Peterborough^ has for its Seal \ Gules, two Keys in Sal- tire between four Crofs-Croflets fitched Or. The The GRAMMAR The Rt. Hon. Rok Fetre^ Ld. FetrSj bears j Ruby, a Bead Topaz between two Eicallops Pearl. Penns o( Norfolk *, He beareth Gules, a Fefle between three Annulets Or. ' Fey to of Warwickfljire ', The Field is Barry of (vk^ Party per Pale indented counterchang'd. in _ii r tc^ Fhilips of LelceJierJJnre \ He beareth Azure, a Chevron between three Fal^ Gons volant Argent, for Difference a Crefcent of the firft. Fhilpot o{ London \ He beareth Guioj, a Crofs between four Swords, Points upwards Argent, Hilts and Pon^ls Or, Thilpot of HartfordJInre ^ The Field is Sable, a Bend Ermme. Pierfon of Devsnfiire *, The Field is. 1 ^^0 ftt i P^^^y P^^ ^^^^ creneUe Gules and A- ^ " ' ''' \ zure, tnree Suns proper* P^igon 4 HE%JLDs to be noted^ as lobfervd before^ that were Party's, Er- mines, Checkies, Verreys, &c. or Additions, or Mi' nut« Variations, to be mention d-^ I could fill feverai Pa^ ges ioith Coats of this Kind, Obferve alfiy that whereas fome Coats by the following Btaz^on^ feem to be exailly the fame *, yet there is fome manifeji Difference to be difcernd in them^ were they marfhdTd with their Ornaments into an Atchievment, Bohfiham^ Norf. A, G. Bromhdtly Bedford. S, 0> Charieton-) Salop. O. G, Creichton^ Scotl. G, A, Crewy Durham. B* A- Cromwelly Hunt. S, A. Dillingtony Hamp. \ff. O, Eyton^ Salop. A, S, HoweUy Monm. G, A, Hughes^ Somerf. B, O. Hudfon^ Kent. B, A. Home^ Scot, V* A* Jomsy Salop. A, f^, Kynafton^ Salop. A, S» Kingy Lond. 5. A* Letghj Devon. A. G, Mackdonnellj Irel. O. G. Norton^ Ham p. P^, O, Oweny Salop. O, G^ Palgrav^^ Norf. B, A, Percys York. O, B, Pritchard-i Monnl. S. A> Shaen^ Irel. ^. O. Stapleton^ York. A* S» Steady Norf. A* B, Vavghan-i Salop. A< S^ Faughanj Carm. O. G, Verdeny Lane. S, A. Wimbyfhy Line. P. A^ WiUiams-) Line. S, A* Wood, Stafford. O, S, Wynney Salop. A* S. Ludlowy Salop. A» S, Porter o( Suffolk y The Field is Sable, three Bells Argent. Some have alfo a Canton Ermine. Povpis of HE%AID%^ Powis of Weflm'mjier ^ He beareth Or, a Lion's Paw eraz'd in Bend, between two Crofs-Croilets Gules. Pratt of Norfolk '^ He h^3.Yeth Sable^' on a Fefle. between three Elephant's Heads eraz'd Argent, as many Mullets of the firft. Prelate *, He beareth Argent, an Ei- callop Gules. Prenue *, The Field is Sable, a Che- vron Or between three Lewres Argent; Prentice of Njrthampton *, The Field is party per Chevron Or ane Sable^ three Greyhounds cur fan t counter chan-* ged. Prefcott of Suffolk *, The Field is Sa-*' ble, a Chevron between three Owle^ Argent. freflon p The GRAMMAR Trejion oi Lineolnpjire'^ The Field is Or, three Garbs Gules. Trefton oi Line. He beareth Quarter- ly Argent and Sable, a Bendlet Qm^^. Preflon'^ The Field is GMes, eight Mafcjes Or f5 and 3). Preftwich of Lancajhire ^ He beareth Gules, a Maremaid proper. Prime o( Cambridge/hire ^ The Field is Argent, a Man's Leg in Pale, eraz'd at the Thigh Sable. ProBor of Norfolk *, He beareth Of, three Wedges Sable. Pjfrton'j He beareth Or, on a Mount in Bafe, a Pear-Tree fru6led proper. Pjflor of Sufolk'^ The Field is Ar- gent, on . a Peel in Pale Sable, three Manchets of the firft. Quadrin of BB^JlD^r. ^i 1- A i Ennine, a FefTe engraird Gules, Quadringoi Lincolnfljire'^ He beareth Quarks of Northamptonfljire , Or, a Feife dancette between three Falcons Vert. r^ f Qnatermain of Oxford/hire ^f H^he^T' W3 WT ^^ ethOules, a Fefle betwen four Dexter w uii I Hands couped Argent, Quick of JDevonlhire'^ The Field is Sable, a Chevron Verrey of the firft and Or, between three Griffins Heads eraz'd as the (econd. "1 Qumborotigh of Norfolk % He bearetifi fx Party per Fefle indented Argent and Sable, three Bears paffant counterchan- §ed. umton The GRAMMAR Quintonoi.WiltJJHre"^ The Field is Ermine, on a Chief Gulesa tnree Li- oncels rampant Or. ^he Method to which I confind my felf^ e\e I hegmi thf QoAter foils, or Primrof^s. 5. The fifth Cinkioils, both pierced and whole, 6. The fixth Diacles or Scopperelles. By which I be- lieve he means Efcaliops. 7. The feventh Chaplets, or Wreaths (formerly^ of TearU now for the mofi part made of Herbs or Flowers. 8. Ihe eighth Sort are Mullets of five Points^ whether whole, or pierced. 9. The ni?2th and laft are Crefcents. Ncnv let the. Readier obferve^ that is a gerated Coat^ in which any of thefi Badges are horn^ under the Num- ber of eleven *, he mufi alfo remember', that tho the Fields of divers Coat Armours are geratted with other Things^ yet the nine above (as jiioji ancient^ mufi be accounted to be mofi honourable. Radlcy 6f BE(^AL'D%r. R Radley of Lincolnfljire '^ He beareth. Argent, a Chevron between three Ad* ders nowed Sable. Raincczirt ^ He beareth Azure, a FefiTe dancette bet^veen fix Garbs Or. The ri'i "' "' m ^^^^^^§ of Garbs fas I before obferv'd) iJlWs,^^^^^^^ denotes a Liberal Perfon, given to Hoft '^ ''^' pitality, and charitable to the poor. Ramsford of Northampton and Adid- dlefex'^ The Field is Argent, a Crofs Sable. As I have given you many Ex- amples of a Lion rampant, fo could I of a plain Crofs, but I refer you to C L Se£l. 8. and the Arms of Alleshury^ Rand.allo{ Kent zxi^ Suffolk'^ He bear- eth Gules, on a Crofs Argent five Mul- lets pierced Sable. The Randds in the Counties of Warwick and Northampton^ bear the lame, only Horfe-Jhoes inflead of Mullets. Ramfey of Buch'^ The Field is Sa= ble, a Chevron betv^een three Rams Heads couped Argent. Ramfey of Norfolk-, have the Heads; eraz'd, armed Or. 1^ if. iK \^^' Raxvline: Tie GRAMMAR RciwL'fTs ^ Tlie Field is Sable, three Swords ifi Pale, the niiddleniofl with the Poiat upwards, the otkers down- wards Argeat. RawUm of Ejfex \ The Field h Sa- ble, three Swords Barways in Pale Ai?- Raynon \ He beareth Argent, a Dra- gon vQlant in Bend Sable. Reed of HartfordJJnre \ The Field ia Azure^ a Griffin fegreaat Or* Reado^ Berkf^Ue-'y He beareth Gules, a Salitire between four Garbs Or^ Eedmm of Cumkrlarrd ^f, The Field is Gules, three Cuihions Ermine, Uf- felled Or. Ktdmtre of BE%JLV%_t. R Redmere i He beareth Sable, a Bend Argent between ii% Fleurs de Lis Or. Remmington of Lirmr. Inflnre \ He bear- eth Gyrdny of fix Ermine and Azure, a Dolphin naiant Or. Reflwold of BerkJJjire ^\\d WUifinre t, He beareth Argent, 3 Bendlets Sable. Retowre\ The Field is Argent, three Trunks of Trees eradicated Sable* Reyce of Sufolh\ The Field is Ar- gent, three Spear Meads Gules, and a Chief Azure. Reynell of Vevonflnre ^ The Field is Argent, Maibnry, a Chief embattled Sable. Mafonry is nothing but plain Strokes of a Pencil dipt in Black, fo that thefe Arms cannot be printed but in their proper Colour. Rlchardfm R The GRAMMAR Richardfon of Salop :y He beareth Or, Rtchardfon oi Suffolk *, The Field is Er- mine, on a Bend Vert three Garbs Or. Ridley of Oxfordfljire ^ The Field is Argent, on a Mount in Bafe Vert, a Bull paiTant Gules. Rlgg of Cumberland :, He beareth Er- mine, on a Chevron Gules hwQ Annu- lets Or. Rigmaiden q{ LancaJJnre'^ The Field is Argent, three Bucks Heads couped Sable. Rifdon of Devon/fjire *, He beareth Ar^ gent, three Arrows Sable. R<^hlnfon of HartfordJJnre'^ He bear- eth Or, an Imperial Crown Gules. Robmfon oi Cornwall '^ He beareth Pat- ty per Pale Argent and Gules, a Bend engrail'd counterchang'd. The Bifhoprick of Rechejier has fof its Seal^ Argent, on a Saltire Gules aa Efcallop Shell Or. Rot of HE%Alt>^^ R Roe oiCheflnre-^ The Field is Argent, a Beehive befet with Bees diverfly vo- lant Sable. Roet\ He beareth Gules, x Wheels Or. : Rogers of London ^ He beareth Or, a Fefle wavy between three Bucks cur- fant Sable; Rollejly of Derhy \ He beareth Gules, a Fefle in a Border Ermine. 77?^ Out- ter has forgot to make the Fejfe Ermine^ and defires the Reader to do it with his Ten. r~"ffev ' "^ 1 ^^^^^5 of BucUnghamfh, The Field is ' '|fe J^p:! Argent, a Fefle flory Gules between 3 \fr^^ ^^--^^ Rooks pijoper. Rompney of Worcefierfljire ^ He bear- eth Or, on a Chevron Azure, thres Rofes of the firft. Roper of Ireland (late Vifcount Bal- tinglafs)'^ The Field is Ermine, two Chevrons Paly of eight Or and Gules. Eqvs K the GRAMMAR Row of Devon ^ The Field is Azure, 3 Holy Lambs Or. R(m>ch •, The Field is Argent, si Lion rampant coward Purpure. Rowcllf of Tork J He beareth Argent, a Chevron between three Eagles Heads eraz'd Gules. Rowden of Torkjhire ^ The Field is Argent, a FefTe between three Pheons 5able. kS^ <^^ I Rowdon of London *, He beareth Ar- ^\S4/ I gent, on a FefTe Gules between three ■Tg Pheons Sable, a Lion pafTant Or. I Rowlands of Camh'riHge \ He beareth Sable, a File engrail'd' Ermine. RoydetthaU'^ of BB^JLD^r: R i||i^ Roydenhall'^ He beareth Argent, gut- .ii'Zjr<_§n tee de Poix^ and a Ckief nebole Gules. •1 <\ \ h 3 St, Cleere-j He beareth Azure, a Sun in his Glory. St. Cleer of Dorfetflnre ^ He beareth Argent, a Lion rampant Gules, in a Border Sable, crufuly Or; St. Owen'^ The Field is Gules, a Crofs Argent, in the Dexter Quarter an Efcocheon Or, charged with three Chevronels of the fir ft. .0. ^ i The Biflioprick of Salisbury^ has for ^ ^^0^ I its Seal-, Azure, our Lady with her fe^i^iC i ^^^^ ^'^ ^^^ Arms, and a Scepter in her; MmWl left Hand, all Or. ^Z A I Salmon of TorkJJjire '^ The Field i^ '*' ' Gules, three Salmons hauriant Argent* Salmon of £i/^A: •, He beareth Sable, three Salmons hauriant in Fefle Ar«^ gent. : The iif HB%ALT)%1[. ^ ] The worfhipful Company of Salters^ ■Sf, t bear^ Party per Chevron Azure and Gules, three Salts covered, overflowing Argent. Mom, Sal fapit omnia. Sander fon ^ He beareth Paly of fix I Argent and Azure, on a Bend Gules ' three Mullets of the firft. * Sault •, He beareth Argent, on a Chief .\^ ^* \^,- I ^««i^ 1 A ^c ucaicLH nrgenr, on a Lihiei ^Kji^frJ Azure, a Fleur de Lis between two tS- '"^"""" "^ toils peirc*d Or. 5rf'z;// of London ', The Field is Sable a Chevron rompe between three Mul- lets Or. Scipton^^ He beareth Argent, three Pair of Bellows Sabk. Scroop of Lincoln fhire'^ The Field Is Azure, a BeBd Or, The The GRAMMAR The Rt. Hon» James Scudamore^ ViH ofSligaem Irelandy bears ^ Ruby, tkree Stirrups leatKered Or. Sccurades °^ He bearetii Or, a Rock Sable. Segar of Hamp/jlre y He beareth Or, a Qievroii between three Mullets A- zmQ* Sdwyn of Sufex\ The Field is Ar- gent, on a Bend cotifed Gules, three Annulets Or, in a Border engraii'd Sa* Me. ShgMy'j Tlie Field is Gules, three U- SI ^^S i nicorns Heads Gouped Argent ' "^ Shdton oiStaWordjhirey The Field is Gules, three Eicaliops Argent. Shermgton of Wiltfhire ^ The Field is Gules, two Crois-Pattees Or, between as many Flaunches checkie Argent and Shl0fiWi of HE^JLD^t^ Shipfiowe-^ The Field is Sable, tliree Scaling Ladders in Bend Argent. Schuldam o( Norfolk:, HebearetL. A- zure, an Eag^p difplaid Or. Shuttleworth of LancSnre ^ He bear- eth Argent, three Weaver*s Shuttles Sable, tip'd and furnifli'd with Quils of Yarn, the Threads pendant Or. <, -ssSi* VS-EE* I .^^* Siherhck of E^ex \ He beareth Sa* ble, a Chevron engrail'd between threes Padlocks Argent. Silver of Hampfl)vre\ The Field is Party per Pale Gules & Sable, a Grif-. fin fegreant Argent. Sllvefter of Torl^ The Field is Ar- gent, a Hawthorn Tree proper. Singleton of Norfolk and SuffblJc^ The Field is Argent, three Chevrons Gules, between as many Martlets Sable. The worfhipful Company of Skin- ner s^ bear*. Ermine, on a Chief Gules, three Ducal Crowns Or, lin*d of the I ft. Motto* To God only be all Glo- ry* : Sir $ The GRAMMAR ^^ ir^^ri Sir 7^^^'^ Smith of Mlddlefex^ Bar. ^r ^^ Quarterly two Coats, ift and 4th A- l^-^^i zure, a Lion rampant Or, on a Chief C53r^71 Argent, a. Mullet Gule-s between two '^'"""" ^j^l Torteanxes. zd and ^d Gules, two Chevronels in a Border Argent. Ida not hlaz^on the Baronets Mark^ becaufe 'twas forgot in the Cut. ■f^/'f f^i \% m Smith of Nihley in GloucejierJInre •, He . 1p beareth Sable, on a Chevron ingrailed V^V^ between fix CrolTes-Pattee fitche Or, yMtX^^M three Fleurs de Lis Azure, each charged **'-^^^f^| on the Top with a Plate. Smith of Norfolk'^ He beareth Party per Chevron nebule Sable and Or, 3 Panthers Heads eraz*d counterchang'd. Smith of Suffolk-^ He beareth Sable, a Crofs Or. Sole-. The Field is Argent, a Chevron r.nles between three Sole Fifh hauri- .f^- \G I >/.l\ p\^ ; TTnles between uircvs -^^^^ ^ x^.x ***vxxx- it^A i aTt proper, within .a Border ^ngraiFd ^^'^ - ^ ■ ' Sable. Somerr, The Field is Or, two Uon^ eels paiiaat Azare. l^tdifig ef%E(!{JL7)^r. "^ """ p ! Spalding of Lincoinflnre \ The Field ^ j^l? is Party per FelTe Azure and Or, a , ^''^^ \ \ Pale coimterchang'd, in every Piece of '^'^'^ " \ of the firft, a Buckle of the laft. k. "^ /-^4'^>l^ I Argent, a Lion rampant Sable. <&MKS \t-^ Stapleton', another *, He beareth Gules, three Swords diverfe Argent. Starkey o{ Lancaflnre *, He beareth Ar- gent, a Bend between fix Storks Sable, <^ Starhy Tlje GRAMMAR <^ 1 -TlJ Lru ! — -J L^^ O^m Starhy of Norfolk '^ The Field is A^ gent, a Stork Sable. Stii^rton of Hampjhire ^ The Field is Argent, a Chevron between 3 Maun- ches Vert. Stednam of Gloucefierjhire •, He bear- cth Or, a Crofs-Croflet Vert. Creji, A demy Virgin proper, her Hair pendant in her dexter Hand, Vert. Sir "John Steward'^ He bearethOr, a FelTe checkie Argent and Azure, over all a Bend engrail'd Gules. CreJi. On a Torce Or and Gules, a Neft Vert, in it a Pelican Ermine, vulned properi feeding her young ones Ermine. Strode of Somerfetfinre ^ The Field is Argent, three Conies feiant Sable. Strutt of Effex ^ The Field is Sable, a Chevron Argent between three Crofs- Croflets fitche Or. Stuhly of Devonfhire *, The Field is Azure, three Pears Or. Sturmy of WiltJInre *, He beareth Ar- gent, three demy Lions rampant Gules. Br90iting ^ of HE(B^ALt)(^r. S Sweeting ^ The Field is Gules, three Trebie-Violins tranfpofed Argent, ftrin- ged Sable. <^ ^ #, "W Jt> 4" ,♦ iiij'i' jiiiijjL-^_Mii Sweetington *, The Field is Barry of fix Argent and Gules, on each three Fleurs de Lis, (except the laft, which has but one^ alt counter<:hang*d. Symmes of NorthamptonJIj, The Field is Ermine, three Increfliants Gules. Symonds of Tarmouth in Norfolk \ He heareth Sable, a Dolphin naiant devou- ring a Filh Argent. Q. The »»■*. the GRAMMAR 7alhot of lorkj/,, and Lancafier *, The- Field is Argent, three Lioncels rampant Purpure. Talbot of BorfetJInre '^ He beareth A- zure, a FelTe between three Gantlets clenched Or. The worfhipful Company of Tallow- Chandlers hQZ.r'^ Party per FefTe Azure and Argent, a Pale counterchang'd, & three Doyes volant of the fecond, each holding in his Mouth an Olive Branch proper. Tenton ot Norfolk/^ The Field is Sa- ble, a Chevron between three Tents Argent. Tempeft of Durham ^ The Field is Ar- gent, a. Bend between fix Martlets Sa- ble. Theme ", He beareth Argent, 3 Wood- bind Leaves Bendways 2 and i proper, Theobald oi Suffolk'^ Ihe Field is Sa- ble, a FelTe crenelle between 3 Owls Argent. Thorpe of Gloucefler'^ The Field is I Argent", a FefTe nebule between three ^'1 Trefoils (lipped Gules. Some lay the T\3\ Fefle is Sable, but 1 blazon it as GwU- '±N //;;; does. Ihrogmarton of BE^JttX^t Tlorogmorton of Gloucejierjbire ; The Field is Gules, on a Chevron Argent, three Bars gemells Sable. Thorowgood of Hartford/hire ^ Th© Field is Argent, five Croffes Botony Saltireways Sable* Thunder y He beareth Argent, a Gie- vron engrail'd between three Trum- pets Sable, Thurfion of Wenmm in Suffolk ', The Field is Or, on a Canton Azure, a Fal- con volant of the firft. rv > - ^ >' ~ r Thurfion of Hoxon in Suffolk'^ The • ' ^^^' i Field is Sable, three Bugle-Horns Or, ^ ftringed and garnilh'd Azure. Thvpaytes of Tork *, He beareth Azure, a Fefle between three Stars Or. Ttchbum The GRAMMAR ||| Ttchhwm of Ifampjhire j The Field is Verrey, a Chief Or. 'TlidefJy of Lancajhtre \ The Field i§ Argent, three Molehills Vert. lilbtfon of Yorlpjire y He beareth A- 2Hre, a Bend voided between two Garbs Argeata if i^ Ttmeme/iy The Field Is Party per Feffe crcneHe, Gules and Ermine, in Chief three Lions Heads eraz*d Or* ToftCj . The Field is Argent, a Che- Mon between three Text T's Sable. Toh of Hartfordf/K He beareth Par- ty per Chevron Argent and Sable, 5 Griffins Heads eraz'd counterchang*d. Tomlinfon oi Durham ^ Party per Pale wavy Argent and Vert, three Lizards Paleways eounterchang'dj and a Chief indentcil Azure. ^ Toolej 6f BE§IALD^J. t Tookey o{London\ Tlie V ^-eld is Gules, three Roi^ian T's Or, in a Border ver- rey Argent and Sable, ^T^^^^Tl ^^^^ '-) ^^ bearetli Argent, a Fefld ^<\^, ; Gules, between three Hearts valned ^^^i and diftilling Drops of Blood on the ii* ''■• nifter fide, proper* -^ Trap oiGlont€ji€rJhire\ The Field is Argent, three Cheval-Traps (or Cal- trops) Sable. Trovers of Lancajhire \ The Field is Sable, an Elcallop Argent. Trayton of Suffex'^ The Field is Ar- gent, on a Bend Gules, a Helmet Or. Trelawney of Cornwall'^ He bea^eth Argent, a Chevron Sable, between 5 Laurel Leaves Vert. Trefufes of Cornwall'^ The Field is Ar- gent, a Chevron between three Whar- ^^ I row Spindles Sable. Treffry of Cornwall'^ The Field is Sa= ble, a Chevron between three Haw- thorns Argent. Tregarthkh \ The GRAMMAR Tregarthich •, The Field h Argent^ a Lobfter's Claw in Bend finifter, fur- mounted of another dexterways in Sal- tire, Gules. But the Cut is wrong. Tremayn of Cornwal-^ The Field is Gules, three Arms conjoyn'd at the Shoulders, and flexed in Triangle Or, with Fills clenched Argent. Trewarthen ; The Field is Argent, a Boar paffant Gules. Troutback of Chejhire •, The Field is Azure, three Trouts in Frett Argent, Tefte a la Quevee, u e. Head to Tail. Trawhridge ^ The Field is Or, on a Bridge of three Arches in FefTe Gules, mafoned Sable, the Streams transflnent proper, a F^ne Argent Tryc'^ of BE%JL3%r. T Trye ^ The Field is Argent, a Buck's Head cabofh'd Gules. Try on of Effex'^^ The Field is Azure, a Feife crenelle between fix Stars Or. Tully '-, He beareth Argent, on a Che- vron engrail'd Gules, three Efcallops Or, in Chief a Lion paflailt Azure. Tulfe oi London '^ He beareth Sable, a Bend wavy between two Dolphins nai- ant Argent. The worfhipful Company of Turn- ers^ bear;> Azure, a Catherine- Wheel Argent. Turney of Bucks'-, The Field is Argent, a Chevron between three Bulls paiTant Sable. Turnjtallj The Field is Sable, a Che- vron between three Combs Argent. Tyfon 9 He beareth Party per Pale, Baron and Femme^ two Coats ^ Firft, Vert, three Lioncels rampant Argent, crowned Or, by the Name of Tyfon : the Second Argent, a Chevron between three Gnkfoils Gules, by the Name of Bevers. R Vandelour V Tfce GRAMMAR "^-^^"7"'" I VandelouY of Llncolnfljire *, He bear- "^iiz'i^ I eth. Or, three Mullets Purpure, a Mart- let for Difference. r J^avafor of Torkflnre'^ The Field is Or, a FelTe dance tte Sable. The Rea- der, if he confult GwUlims Dljplay of Heraldry^ will find the Derivation of this Name, which fwith many fuch Obfervations) he will not repent taking Notice of. Vatighan of WiltJInre-^ The Field is Sable, a Chevron between three Chil- drens Heads couped Argent, crined Or, enwrapped about the Neck with Snakes proper. V^ctughan of Northampton •, He bear- eth Party per FelTe Argent and Sable, a Lion rampant counterchang'd. Kanghan of Torkjjjire'^ The Field is Azure, on a Crefcent Argent, a Mul- let Sable. Feale of CheJIAre *, The Field is Ar- [ gent, on a Bend Sable, three Calves of tne firft. yernon 6f BE<^ALV(BJ. U n m m Vernon of Chejhire \ He beareth Or, on a FelTe Azure three Garbs of the j Vernon of Derbypj. He beareth Ar- "^ gent, a Frett Sable, and Canton Gules* The worlhipful Company of Vint- ners^ bear ^ Argent, a Chevron between three Barrels Sable, " I Vipont of Wejlminfier ', He beareth @ ©@ I Gules, fix Annulets (^j 2, i.) Or. In Heraldry thofe are reckon'd the moft perfe6l Numbers, and the beft to bear, that can gradually decreafe^ which is the Reafon that the Numbers 3, 6 and 10, are nioft ufed. The worlhipful Company of Vphol- dersy bear-. Sable, on a Chevron Or, between three Tents Gules, as many Rofesofthe 3d. y/Ijer •, The Field is Sable, tliree Li- on's Paws couped and ere^ed Argent, armed Gules, Vvedale o{ DorfetJInre-^ ;He beareth Argent, a Crofs Moline Gules* R 2 Walhr k GRAMMAR Walker of Bow '^ Quarterly ift and 4th Party per Pale Sable and Argent, on a Clievron between three Crefcents as many Annulets, all counterchang'd. 2d and 3d Sable, three Peahens Ar- gent, armed Gules. 1 Jf a/lies '^ The Field is Azure, a Bend crenelle Argent. J Wallls of Cornwall'') He bears. Gules, ^i a FelTe and Canton Ermine. Wallop of Hampjhire'^ The Field is Argent, a Bend wavy Sable. Walfi of Worcefier/hire *, The Field is Argent, a Fefife between fix Martlets Sablei"" ^^■- Watfon of Suffolk', The Field is Bai- ry of fix Argent and Gules, three Crel- cents Eni^ine, on a Chief of tiie 2d. two broken Lances in Saltire, Ur. Watton of Lekefierflnre ; He beareth Or, three Sw.^llows clofe proper. f.. Watton of Wcjiminlier', The Field is Argent, a Saltire engx^il'd Sable. The of HE % AID (III W The worlliipful Company of TFax- Cha?jdlers^ bear *, Azare, on a Chevron between three Lamps Argent, as many Roles Gules. We are o£ DevonJJjire'^ The Field is Argent, on a Bend Vert between fix Grofs-Crollets fitche Gules, three Cro- Tiers Or. The worfbipful Company of Wea- vers bear ^ Azure, on a Chevron Ar- gent between three Leopard's Heads with Shuttles in their Mouths Or, as many Rofes Gules, feeded proper. Week •, The Field is Sable, a Gof- hawk Argent, perching upon a Stock fixed in the Bafe Point of the Efcoche- on of the 2d, armed, jefTed and belled. Or. Wells'^^ He beai-eth Ai^ent^ a Che- vron voided Azure, between 3 Flames of Fire proper. Welles of LeicefierJInre ^ The Field is Sabk, a Buck's Head caboiji'd Or. Wslfi', The GRAMMAR Welfi ^ The Field is Azure, fix Mul- lets (5, 2, 1.) Or. .^y^ of Suffolk J The Field is Sable, a Lion rampant Argent^ coUered Or. Tfhitmore of Salop -^ The Field is Vert, fretteOr- Whitwarth ofStaffordJhire ^ The Field is Argent, a. Bend Sable, in Chief a Garb Gules. Wllhraham'-y He beareth Azure, two Bars Argent, on a Canton Sable, a Wolfe's Head eraz'd of the 2d. Ian- giied Gules* Wilcox of Middle fexy He beareth Argent, a Lion rampant between 3 Crefcents Sable, a Chief Verrey. JVllfirdot Kent V The Field is Gules, a Chevron engrail'd between three Le- opards Heads Or. IVttllamfGn \ The Field is Ojp, a Che- vron engrail'd between three Trefoils flipped Sable.' Williams of Brecknock *, The Field is Argent, three Cocks Gules. WlHington J of HE%JLJ)%t W Willington *, He beareth Gules, a Sal- tire Verrey. Willoughhy of Nottingham ^ He bear- etb Or, two Bars Gules, charg'd with three Water-Budgets Argent. Wilmore of Northampton '^ The Field is Gules, a Chevron Verrey, between three Eaglets difplaid Or. Wlmhyfh of Llncolnflnre •, He beareth Purpure, a Lion rampant Argent. Wilt/hire *, He beareth Party per Che- vron Azure and Argent, five Cro(s-Pat- tees Or. The Biihoprick oflVmchefter has for its Seal-, Gules, two Keys endorsed in Bend, the uppermoft Argent, the other Or, a Sword interpos'd between them Salterways of the fecond, Hilts and Pomels as the third. « The Colledge called Winchefler-Col- ledge^ has for its Seal:, Sable, three Lillies, fiiped, ilaiks, &c. Argent. Wifiman w Tk GRAMMAR Wifeman of E(^ex'^ The Field is Sable, a Chevron Ermine between 3 Cronels i\.r§ent. Wolrkh of 5^/(7/? -^ The Field is Azure, a Chevron between three Wild-Ducks volant Argent. Wolfely of StaffordjJnre \ The Field is Argent, a Talbot palTant Gules. IVood of DevonJJAre *, He beareth Or j on a Mount in Bafe Vert, an Oak a- corn'd proper. / am inform d that an Augmentation is of late horn in this Coat^ viz,, on a Chief Azure, three Trefoils of the firii:. The worfbipful Company o{ Wood- mongers bear *, Argent, a Chevron be- tween three Faggots Sable. Woodnoth of CheJInre \ The Field is Argent, a Crofs couped, voided Sable. Woolcomh of Devon'^ The Field is Argent, thr^e Ears Gules. Woollgr 5> Wooller\ He beareth Gules, three- TafTels Or. The worfhipfal and ancient Compa- ny of fVoolpackers bear 5 Azure, a Wool- Sack Argent. Woolfion o( Devonfkire^ The Field is Sable, a Bend Or between three Hand^ baskets Argent The Birtioprick of Worcefter has for its Sealj Argent,- ten Torteauxes. Wormley of Torkflnre v The Field is Gules, on a Chief indented Argent, 3 Lioncels rampant Azure. Worfely of Torlfhlre'^ The Field is Gules, a Chief Argent* Wortley of Derby/hire *, The Field is Argent, a Chevron Sable between 3 Cornifh Coughs proper. Wray o{ Cornwall'^ He beareth Sable, a FefTe f according to Gwillim) between three Hatchets Argent. / confefs that ill' this Gentleman's Arms are by feme [aid to he^ a Fefle between three Battle- Ax^ es. 9 Wycomi'T^ TkGRAMMAR Wycomb-^ He beareth Or, two Lions rampant Gombatant Gules, armed and langued Azure. fVyl/ey^ The Field is Argent, aChe-^- vron Ermine between three Weeks, their Hoops upwards, Vert. H^yme of Carmartk He bears Vert, three Eaglets difplaid in FefTe Or. Wyllys ofEJfex ^ He beareth Argent, three Griffins paffant Sable, armed and langued Gules, in a Border ingrail'd of the laft, Befanty. The following Coat fljoud have been the firfi in W. The Arms of Wadham Colledge in Ox- ford^ are •, Party per Pale two Coats, Firft Gules, a Chevron between three ..^ Rofes Argent, by the Name oiWad- 1 ham. Secondly Gules, a Bend Or be- tween two Efcallops Argent, by t]\Q Name o( Fetre, Taflop a J '-'« ofHE%ALV%r. Y Tallop o{ Norfolk ^ The Field is Gules, an Orl between ei^ht Billets Or. -r^ j^ i Tarborough of Torhjhire ^ The Field is ^^^,4^1 Party per Chevron Argent and Azure, ^/^^^N^ \ a Chevron between three Ghaplets coun- terchang'd. ~-| Tardley *, The Field is Azi&e, a Stagg -^^> ^ I ^ ^'^ Courfe Or, purfu'd by a Brace "*^ls(SQ) ® © CD Tmng of Salop '^ The Field is Argent^ three Rofes Gules. I told you fomier- ly, in the Arms of Beverly^ why in bla- zoning Red Rofes I did not term them Proper, to which I refer you. Toung of London-^ He beareth Ldzcn- §y Argent and Vert, on a Bend Azure three Unicorn's Heads eraz'd Or. ^ There are Seven other Families of this Name, in. divers Counties, who all bear different Arms. Zcuch of DerbyJI:. He beareth Gules, ten Befants (4, 3, 2, i.J and a Canton Ermine. Let the Reader call to mind here, the Cautions given Chap. I. Sei^. 9. and the Qbfervations on the Arms of Fi-pont, Jp Appendix I. T^f Arms of fome Bnglifl) Families now extinU^ or who have loji their Degree of Veer age ^ with thofe born by remarkable Terjons: Principally fuch as are not to be found in the foregoing Lifi, Ahtotj E. of Worcefler^ in the D O Reign of King William Rufus^ bare for his Paternal Coat, Party per pale To- paz and Ruby, three Roundles coun* terchang*d. Alfreton old Barons o[ Alfreton ia JDerbyJhire ^ He beareth Azure, 2 Che- vrons Or. pA;'^Qv j The right Rev. and famous Dr. Lan- ^XJ^^J^XV I celot Andrews^ once Biftiop QiWinchef- ^"^i^J t^t bare*. Argent^ on a Bend engrail'd J^Cj ; between two cotifes Sable, three Mul- 6^^ lets Or. Armiger of Norfolk*^ He beareth A-^ zure, two Bars Or between three Hel- mets Argent. Eummus 7he Vtrfi Appendix. EKPKpIil Eummim de la BreShy who attended Slliiiiliilii'l K. Bdmard I. in his Expedition againft ' ifilfiitlli Scotland^ bare in his Shield only Gides. Sir Guy Bryarry a Kt. of the Garter under K. Edt&ard \lh bare ^ Or, three Piles meeting near in the bafe Point of the Efcocheon, Azure« The Family of Bullein (or Boleri) of which was 'Thomas ORce Earl of Wilt- fowtj and the Lady Annay Mother to Q £//;cAf^, bare ^ Argent, a Chevron between three Buills Heads couped Sa- Me. But thU jiands wrong.^ The Fanllly qf Bialery once Barons oiBramfijeldy bare*, Gul^s, a Feflfe chec- iie Argent and Sable, between 6 Crols tm C:rofle:ts Or. ^ilkJ-mdOr, Trre ancient Famirly of the CatlUms^ i^eftdang, (if not €xtin£t): in Northamp- -ion-jhire 'j, Party per Chevron Argent tmm. i'4i b;,!. C^StrfJl The Firfi Appendix.' Geffrey Chaucer^ Eiq^ our famous old I Englifh Poet, bate ^ Party per Pale Ar- ' gent and Gules, a Bend counterchan- ged. Henry Courtney^ Marq. of Exeter and E. of Devon^ tenip. Hen, VIII. enviro- ned the Sovereign Arms with this Bor- ,,. der (as an Augmentotionj which is bla- !^i zoned briefly, a Border Quarterly Eng- '^ land and France. The Family oiCromxvel^ Baron ofOk- ton^ in the Reign of King Charles the firft, bear *, Quarterly per Fefle indent- ed Or and Azure, four Lions paffant counterchang*d. Edmund Crouchhacky E. o{ Lancafier in the Reign of his Brother K. Edward I. bare*. Mars, a tricorporated Lion^ ifTuing out of the three Corners of the Efcocheon, all meeting under one Head in the FelTe Point, Sol, langued and armed Jupiter. SiK Perducas Dalhreth^ a very War- like Knight in the Reigrl of K. Edward III. bare Gules, a Border indented Ar- gent Sir the Firjl Appendix. '.^ Sir Francis Drake o( Tly mouthy bare| ble, a FefTe wavy between the two inl Pole Stars, Arftick^ and Antaraicke^ ?fC I Sable, lii' m Argent. T King Edward^ ("commonly call'd the' 5 ft:^ \ Confe(for^\>2XQ'. Jupiter, a Crofs-Patonce J l.,-^.! between five Martlets Sol. King Egbert bare V Jupiter a Crofs- Patonce Sol. --1 I Etheldred, King of the Wefl-Sdxonsj ' '^'^ ^ \^ho liv*d ^«w 946, barej Jupiter, a Crofs-Potent fitched Sol. Eudo^ E. o{ Albemarle in the Reigll 6f the Cmgueror. Gutts, a CroferPatonce ^> verry. Ei^h, Tf?e Firji Appendix, Eurcy Barons o^Whitton-^ Quarter- Ij Or and Gules, on a Bend Sabde, 3 Efcallops Argent. Henry Titzj-'Roy^ D, of Richmond Sind Somerfet^ and E. of Nottingham^ who was bale Son to K. Henry VIII. bare; Gules, a Border quarterly composed of purflew Ermine, and connter-compo- ny Or and Azure. Fierce Gwefionej "E^ of Cornwalij ia. the Time of K. Edward II, Vert, fix Eaglets difplaid Or, membred and bea- ked Gules. The ^^r^^V Family, Barons of C7^- rards Bromley-, bare^ Argent, a Saltire Gules. There are of this Family ftill refiding in LancaQnre^ but I infert this fand Ibme others^ among the Families thought to be extinft, becaufe they are loft to the Peerage. The Family ofGoringy Earls of iVT^r- mch-i bare*. Argent, a Chevron be- tween three Annulets Gules. « Hugk J he Pur ft Ajpffehdix. ffugh de Grand^mefnillj Ld. o{ Hmkr ^ teyy a4id Lord High Steward oi Ettg- \ land in the Reign of Henry I. bare ^ I Gules, a Pale Or. '•>>• ^\ i.-' ■•■■■■■■-- ^ ■ ■ , , ... f.,,,Xte Arnmof (JrifT/Z^elliou'd have been inferted in the peneral Alphabetical. The Kx/mn. W'illiMm Grevillcy Ld. Brooke J bears ^ . Sablb, .i Border & Crofs engrail'd Or, on the laft 5 Pellets. T^ Sir Lawrence Mamelden^ Kt. in the \^Ti Reign of K. Edward II. He bare, Ar- pJ^ gent, a Frett of eight Pieces Gulesj each cha,r^*d in the aiidft with Fleurs de Lis Or, .Harfifon^oi^artfordjhire}, He bears bi-, on a Cirofs Gules five Pheons of the firft. -^ A^[ Johnljflip, Abbot of Weftminfier in ^^i^l the Year 1500, bare; Ermine, aFelTc T Th« The Firft, Appendix! The old Chefijire Family of Knols or Knollys^ alias Kmwlesj bear *, Gulesy a Chevron Argent charg'd with 3 Rofes ofthefirflr. ±rp) m\ William Kmxples^ E. of Banbury^ tern, Ir^^l ^^^'^' Azure, ferny of Grofs-Cfroflets, =^, I and a Crofs recerelle voided Or. The famous Archbifliop Latidy bare ; Sable, on a Chevron between three Ef toils Or, as many CrofTes-Pattee fitch- ed Gules. The Family of Leigh^ formerly Earls ofChichefierj bore*. Gules, aSaltireen- grail'd Argent, in the firft quarter a Lo- zenge of the fecond. ,^^ >c4ij The Lovelace^ s Barons of Hurley^ in ^^^' ^41 the Reign of K. Charles I. bare. Gules, I on a Chief indented Sable, 3 Martlets T 2 Hitgh 7he Fir/J Appendix. Hugh Lupus^ Earl of Cheftery in th^ Conquerpr's Time: Azure, a Wolve's Head erar'd Argent. The MdcMoide\ fuppos'd to be an old Scotch Family^ bare-, Or, a Moun- tain Azure, inflanied proper. Randolph Mefchinesy E. of Carli/te in tlie Time of K. William I. bare •, Or, a Lion rampant Gules, his Tail erefted. But here the Cutter has made a Faulty for the Tail Jhould have been elevated at high as the Head* Peter de Mololacu^ in the Time of K. Edward III. bare *, Or, a Bend Sa^ ble» ~ ^•' I Bimon de Montfordy E. of Leicefier '^'^:mr^^)\ in t^e Reign of King John. Gules, a 3^^^J1 Lion rampant, his Tail double forked Saltireways Argent. Hishard 7he Firji Appendix. Richard Narboon^ Vljier King of Armi in Ireland^ bare. Or, the Perclofe of 3 demy Garters, nowed Azure, garnifh- ed of the firft, with a Martlet for dif- ference. Odo^ Bifhop of Bay on and Earl ojf -^f 't, in the Time of William the Con" ^«^^«- his half Brother, bare*, Gules, on a ^ion rampant Argent, a Bilhop*$ Crofier^n Bend finifter, Or. GuUelimus Ig Percy ^ bare ^ Or, a Li- on rampant double Quevee Azure. Hugh de Fu{atZj Bilhoj of Durham and E. of ISlortJoumberlana^ in K. Ste- phen's Reign. Party per Saltne Or and Argent, a Crofs-Pattee Azure. Roger dc Quincy^ E. of Winton^bire\ Gules, ieven Mafcles conjoined, 3, 3, i, Ox» The The Utrji Appendix:* 11 ^-^^ The Learned Smetim had for Arm§» Gules, a Chevron Sable betw^^« three Crefcents Argent, Stephen (Son to 5f^ Mkiifker of the Gofpel, he bears ^ Azure, ai Saltire between three MuJ- let% in Bafe a. Crefcent Argent* Ihomm Aflmr^yYX% Hi& Arms are. Gules, a, Crols^ between four Fleurs de Lis Argent, For Four Booh* Mr. y^mej Auflin o( ^outhwar'ky In- trentor of the Perfian Ink-Powder. He' beareth Argent, on a Felle between z- Chevrons . Sable, three Crofs - Crucets for long CrofTes; Or. Creft. A Crofs as above, between two Wings Sable. Mrs. Jl Ltjl of tk Suhfcrihers. Mrs. Margaret Baher ^ Tlie Amis of Her Family are. Argent, on a Fellt? Gules, three Falcons Heads eraz'd of Mr. John Barhr of Warsjield m Berkflnre^ Argent, a Saltire Sable, or,. a Chief of i}iit fecond^ hn^ Efcaiiops Ermine« Mr. Jof, Barret of Shropjbsre and Ox- fordf/jire '^ The Field is Gnles, on a Chief indeiited Argent, three Efcaliops Sable. Crcji. On a Torce Argent and Gules, a Lion rampant Or, holding between his Paws an Efcallop Sable. Mr. Richard Baffdno of Litchfield In the County of Stafford^ GenL bears ^ Party per Chevron Argent and Vert, in Chief three Silkworm Flies, m Bafe a Mulberry Branch, all counterchangM* Mr. Benjamin Bedford'^ This Gen^ tleman fwith a few othersj not having fent us fufficient Inftru£tions, we have only inferted the Arms on their Seals wijthout any Blazon^ iflx. niAim BUrngfiM, A Lifl of the SuhjcriberSn M Mr.Amk BesieleyofTerk/hlre'^ He j§ beareth Argent, three Torteauxes, and O C%^ ^ Chief Guies. Mr. Francis BicUey. Mr. Anthony Biddulph\ He beareth Vert, an Eagle diiplaid Argent. Mr. Edmund Blunt of Vxhridge ^ He beareth, Barry nebule of fix Or and Sable. The Rev. Mr. Jcfeph Bohnham^ Re6lor of Stoah-Alh m Norfolk See his Arms in Page 36. Mr. Peter Bokenham^ jun. , Mrs. Eliz,aheth Boldj Widdow of Ri- chard Boldj of Bold in the County of Lancajier-, Eiq;, She claims right to bear \ Argent, a Griffin fegreant Sable, mem- bred Or, John Bond of Brooklandy in the Pa- rifh of Mushwy^ Bevonjh, Gent. He bears, Argent, on a Chevron Sable, 3 Bezants. Qpt. A Liji of the Suhfcriheri. Captain Fhilip Bp/s oi Hawkherfi in Kent^ His Arms, Or, a Griffin fegre- ant Sable, within a Border Gules. He is the third Son of the fecond Houfe. My. DenmfJgton Bradley'^ Who bears Argent, a Feffe Azure between three Belt Buckles Gules. Crelt On a Torce a Nightingal chantant, relling her felf oil a thorny Bough. Brooke Bridges^ Elq^ He beareth A- zure, three Water-Budgets Or, with- in a Border Ermine *, a Creicent on a Crefcent for Diiference, as fecond Son of the fecond Houfe. Creji, Out of a Crown, a Blackmore's Head couped, proper, &c, John Bromfield of Haywood in Hhs County of Southampton^ Efq^ bears two Coats Quarterly *, ift & 4th Sable, on a Chevron Argent 3 Broom Branches Vert budded proper, a Cantoa Or, charg'd with a Spear headed Azure, embrued, broken in the Truncheon, by the Name oi Bromfield, 2d and 3d Gules, three Garbs Or, in a Border ingraird of the^ fame. Crefi. A demy Tyger Azure, the Main and Tail Argent, langued Gules, hold- ing in his Paws a Sword, hilted and pomel'd Silver, purfled Gold, the Blade broken. Mr. A Ufi of tU Suhjcri^^n^ Mr. Nicholas Browne of Vxhridge\ His. Arm^ are, Argent, an Eagle dii- piaid Sa,ble, charg'd m^ the Breaft with a B!^2;ant. Kqv, M^» Jofeph Burroughs. Mr. Robm Calcrtfij als. Colcroftj I find in Fullers Worthies-) among thole Gentlemen who took the Oaths to K. Hewj^ 6. the Nannes of Richardus Call- croft de Chejierjieldf and Thome Caller oft; de Chefierfield') nnder the TTitle ofDer- hyfljire \ from whom 'tis very probable our Subfcriber is deicended- His Arms are, Ermine, three Lioncels pafTant guardant in Pale Gules. Mr. Nathaniel Calvert of London \ He bears Paly of fix Or, and Sable, a Bend counterchans'd. . ** ; > I Tfh^ ivev. Mr., Henry Cantrd^ M. A. Sir, Nicholas Carew^ Bar. fee his Arms ^ t th^ Beg^in- ^^in§„ jufe after tke. Rules. Mt. Man Chajnhre •, His Coat is ve- ty odd and remarkable,^ the Field^Q^^ a Gr<^ls Ermine between. four Maryets^ riiing proper, ('for Augmeutationjt on • a Ghief Azure, a Snake coronee d;e;; vo tiring a Child proper, betweea tv^o . Rofes Giiies. Motto: En Dieu elt tout. Now, tho' in the General Rules of Blazon, I have kl it down foi* one, That it is falfe- Heraldry to bear Me- *'-" t4 A Liji ofth ^iihfcrihrf. tal m Metdy or Colour on Cdiovjty^jQt the above Aug- mentation tran%reires herein, a? do liaany more which Mr. Guyboyi in his IntroduBion to Lctrin Blaz.G;^j has e^ numerated : So that this not without Excepts ens. ••'"* ■•■''' ■' ' ■ •''■'':"'^:^: Mr. John Clapcottx The Field is A- zurc, on a Chevron Or^ between three Herons Argent, as many Hurts. Crejhi A Buck's Head cotiped Sable, armeci Or. Thomas Clarke of (jrafs-hnj Lond* Efq^ The Field is Argent, on a Bend Gules between three Pellets, as many' Swans proper. Crefi:. A demy EagJ4 difplaid. The Rev. Mr. Chrifiopher Clarke* John Cluerj Printer in Bow-Church". yard') London.^ who cuts Signs^ &Co on Wood or Copper, beareth ^ Argent^ a St3^ding-Cup covered^ Sable. Mr. Cole of Kingjlreet-y London. .^ Coxeter .of Letchlade In Com, Glo^cejh E{q^ The Field is Argent, a Chevron between three Cocks Heads eraz'd Gulesa crefted and jeliop'd Or. X 2 The A Lijl of the Suhfcrihers. The R^v. Mx.Jphn jDauUfige^ jun. This Gentleman, and (bme few others, muft excu(e our inierting their Arms without the Blazon, fince we would not have done it had they given us the needful Inftruflions. Simon Degg of Derhyjhire^ Gent, bears. Argent, on a Bend Azure, three Fal- cons volant of the firft, with a Crefcent for Difference. Crefi, On a Ducal Co* ronet Or, a Falcon volant proper. Mr. Willi Am Dohbs, John Dowdaly Elq^ the Arms, GhIcs, a Feffe between three Doves Or. Mr. John DowyeTy Carver. William Enrich of the Afiddle-Tem- plij Efqj He bears*, Argent, a Lion ram* pant and Chief Gules. Charles Eyjion of Bafi Hendred^ Berh 1^ j /;/r^, E(q^ His Arms are Sable, three ^ i Lioncels rampant Or, armed and lam gued Gules. Mr, A Liji of the Suhferihers] Mr. Tho, Fairfax y Gent. The Field is Argent, three Bars gemelles Gules, over all a Lion rampant Sable, Mr. Jofsph Fawthrop. William Fellowes of Lincoln s-lnn-y Elq^ one of the Mailers of the High Court of Chancery, bears Quarterly, ift and 4th Azurey a Fefle dancette Ermine, between three Lions Heads eraz'd Or^ crowned with mural Coronets Argent, by the Name of Felloms. 2d and 3d Argent, two Etolphins hauriant refpe<^ant Sable, by the Kame of Coulfon. Creft. A Lion's Head as in the Coat, gorg'd with a Fefle dancette Ermine. Mr. John Foy» lytche of Banbury Place in Ef- fex *, He beareth Vert, a Chevron be- tween three Leopards Heads Or. Creft. A Leopard's Head Or, pierced thro* the Cheeks by a Sword proper, Pomel Or. William Gilpin of Scaleby^ CumherL Efq. bears: Or, a Boar paflant Sable. Barnham Qoodh E% Roger A Lijl tf the SuhfcHhers. Roger Gmnt^ Efq, Ocnlift in Ordi- nary to His Majefty King George^ bears ^ Eriiilne, on a Chevron Gules five Be- lants,: Creft. A Fleur de Lis Azure. Mr. Simon GriheUn» Mr, Thomas GyH, of Barton in York- fiircj bears. Sable, a PaJe bety/een fom four Fieiirs de Lis On .j^^^^^l Mt, Owen Hall-) S(m of Bartholomew C||T3T~I>:| Jiall of Barkham in Barkftnre^ Efq*^ de- S^i^iS^I fcended from the Halls ofOxfordfiire^ bears *, Ermine, five Barulets Gules, over all three Efcocheons Or, a M4^ let-for Difference. Mr- John Haffel of St. Giles* s^ Lon- don'. He beareth Vert, three Adders erefted Argent, a Crefceat on a Cref- cent for Difference. CharUs A Liji of the Sd/crihersl Charles HciTukocky Efq^ He bearetli Gules, a dexter Haad couped and erec- ted Argent, on a Chief of the fecond^ three Cocks of the firft. Creji. A Cock Gules. '^\) \ \XJ ^r- 7^^*^ Hauft^d. Sir Will ^,%JX^-|in| dale^ in his Baronage j makes Mr. Johri Haufted. Sir WiUlam Dug- , , , ...tle^ in his Baronage^ makes mention v^^^oJ-i-^ of one John de Haujicdy who flourilliU ^■^sN^^ I in the Reigns of Edward the lid, and '^/S^! Edward the Illd. and had Lands in the^ ^^ County oi Nonhampton'^ in the I5tli of Edward thQ lid. this John had th© le and Honoujr of Clare in the County of Suffolk^ committed to his Charge, in the ift of £^71?. the Hid. he was made Senefchal of Gafcclgne: He had Summons to Farliaraent in the 6th. 8th and 9th Years of that King's E.eign, but never after. From this Perfon our SiiblcrilSer thinks himfelf defcended, and bears^ Gales, a Chief chetkie Argent and Azure, over all a Bend Er- minco Mr. James Hayes. Jofeph Hayn of the Middle-Temple^ Efq^ defcended from thQ Hayns of Hayn in the County of Devon ^ He bears Ar- gent, a Chevron Gules between tkrae^ Martlets Or. John Hilton of the City of Gloucef- ter^ eldefl Son to Richard^ late oi Rhea Hall in the County of St afford ^ now of London y Efq^ bears quarterly, lit and 4th Argent, tv^ Bars Azure. 2d Or, fix Annulets Gules. 3d. Argent, three Daggers diverfe Gules. Creji, Mofes Head. Benja- A Lijl of the Suhjcribers. @ ® ® DM Benjamin Hodgfon of Cumberland^ G' The Field is Gules, three Efcocheons Argent, between nine Befants. Mr. Thomas Holbeeh Mr. "John Holroyd bears. Azure, an t Fefle dancette Argent, between three Griffins pafTant Or, as many Efcallops Gules. Crefi, On a Wreath of his Co- lours, a demy Griffin Sable, holding a Ducal Crown Gold. John Hooj Serjeant at Law *, Quar- terly Sable and Argent, in a Border Er- hiinois. Crefi, On a Torce of his Co- lours, a Maidenhead proper,, in a Gold Ring. ■ ,-- -. Hunt rf Wifimmfier^ Eiq-, He bears Vert, a Saltire Or. Creft A Li- on ieiant Ermine. Mr, Senjamin Hymners o( New-tmf^ G«nt. The Arms are Argent, a Crols- bow unbent in Pale Sable, between 3 Cocks, crafted and jellop'd Gules. Arthur A Lift of the Sub/crlben] Arthur In^am-f Eiqj 'Johnfon of Spalding iri Lincoln- finre^ Eiq^ defcended from the Ancient Houfe of Fttzrjehany fometimc Lords of Aln€wick-i Malton^ Walton^ Skmil- ton^ Burdelosy and Barons of the Realm, beareth for his Paternal Coat, Or, % Water-Budget Sable, on aChief of the fecond (for on Augmentation^ three Annulets as the firft. Crefi, A Pair of Ravens Wings proper, ifTuant from a Ducal Coronet. Motto, 0»us fub Honore. He quarters Downes of Dehnam in Suffolk^ being the imme- diate Heirefs of that Family. Mx.Togar Jones. BenediEb Jthell of Temple Dingley in the County of Hertf or dy Efq*, beareth Quarterly two Coats ^ ift and 4th Ar- gent, a Crols raguled, flored at the Ends Sable, between 4 Cornifh Coughs proper, by the Name of Ithell. 2d and 3d Party per Pale Or and Gules, two Lions rampant endorfed, counterchang*d, by the Name of Delmod. Creftn On a Ducal Coronet, a riling Cor? nifh Cough proper. Captain John Kaye. Robert Keel of the Inner Temple ^ Eft. bears. Sable, a Bend Ermine, between twQ Cotifes flory Or. Mr; A L'iji of the Subfcrihers. Mr. Samuel Kent of Gloucejier. Tor Six Books, John JCer of Clerkenwely M. D. Henry Knollys^ Efq. bears: Gules, on a Chevron Argent three Rofes of the firft, a Canton Ermine. Mr. Edward Leake. T Mr. Lancelot Lee of Stoke- Newington „ in the County of Mlddlefex , He bears pliprH Gules, a FefTe checkie Or and Azure, tfi between ten Billets (four above and fix [1 I below) Argent. ' Mr. JValter Lec^ Mafon. Mr. Peter Leman* Dr. Richard Lilly, Narci[fus Luttrellj Efq^ He bears Or, a Bend between fix Martlets, Sable. Crcfr* A Boar {landing Argent, crined Or, charg'd on the Shoulder with a double Rofe Gules. _ Lynne of Southwicke in the G)arity of Northampton^ Eiq^ Gules, a demy Lion iffuant Argent, armed and lan'gued Azure, in a Border Sable, Bczanty. Crejh A Lion's Head eraz*d crown'd and colier'd. Mr- 4 Lifl of the Suhfcrihrs'. Mr. John Marten of Su^ex^ ('defcen- dcd from the Martens of the Province of Aquitain in France^ who lived there Anno 1386.J beareth Arms: Argent, a Foine or Fitch Sable, on a Chief in- dented Gules, three Efcallops Or. Mr. Robert Mafon bears ^ Or, a Lion rampant double Tete (i. e, having two Heads; Azure. Henry Merit on ^ E(q. This alfo is one of the Gentlemen whofe A.rms fas we had not fufficient Inftruifbions concern- ing them; muft be inferted without the Blazon. John Michel of Kingfton Ruffel in the County of Dorfet-, Eiq*, bears Quarter- ly four Coats', iffc Party per Chevron Argent and Sable, three Herons Heads eraz'd counterchang'd, by the Name of ' Michel, 2d Gules, a Bend cotiied be- * tween four CrofTes formy Or, by the Name of Bingham, 3d Party per Pale Azure and Ar- gent, in the fecond three Pallets Sable, by the Name ©f Trenchard, 4th Ermine, a Lion rampant Gules, crowned Or, by the Name of 7^r^ '^ a Border engraU- ^^<8 ed of thelaft. y- CrejT, An OiiTich Ur, holding a Ser^ pent prop3i% Alotto. Et jufte et vray. Thefe Ouarterings are,.the .chief. of t^velve, born by Edmund! WyndhaS^f I ^'^It/hire^ Elq^ and are thus blazo- &^^v:'^.i^,X?ft^feu^^y':^vt:hevron between 3 :^^^/4l#^^ ^Lix5n*4 <^eads '^^^iJ^'^Or. 2d Azure, a ^*¥^^^ for Difference. Mf^the,feipe. King's moft "Honourable HouP i^olcij.: ajiii .Linealiy defcended from Richard de Wymond- ham ofrf